Stay With Me P.122 (Xiaoil)💖

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The stage was alive with energy, bathed in the soft, iridescent glow of the stage lights. The year was 2020, and NCT had just wrapped up a mesmerizing performance of "Resonance" on MCountDown. The crowd roared in approval, the echoes of their cheers reverberating through the vast hall. Xiaojun, one of the group's talented vocalists, stood there with his heart still pounding from the electrifying performance.

As the members gathered for the encore, Xiaojun couldn't help but exchange a knowing glance with Taeil, who had just belted out some breathtaking high notes during the song. Taeil's voice had always fascinated Xiaojun, but tonight, it had reached new heights, filling the arena with a resonance that seemed to touch the very souls of the audience. During the encore, as they sang and danced together, Xiaojun felt a connection, not just as fellow artists but on a deeper level. He admired Taeil's dedication to his craft, his passion for music, and his incredible vocal talent. There was something about Taeil's presence on stage that was both captivating and humbling.

After the performance, the members retreated backstage, drenched in sweat but still buzzing with adrenaline. Xiaojun found himself walking alongside Taeil, and the silence between them was comfortable, not awkward. They had always been friendly, but tonight, there was a newfound camaraderie, a shared understanding of what they had just accomplished together.

As they entered the dressing room, Taeil turned to Xiaojun, a warm smile on his face. "That was amazing, wasn't it?" he said, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

Xiaojun nodded enthusiastically, his heart still racing. "Yeah, it was unreal. Your high notes were out of this world, Taeil hyung."

Taeil's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, but he accepted the compliment graciously. "Thanks, Xiaojun. You were incredible too. Your vocals really shone tonight."

Xiaojun's heart skipped a beat at Taeil's words. To hear such praise from someone he respected so much was a dream come true. "Coming from you, that means a lot," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Over the next few days, Xiaojun and Taeil found themselves gravitating toward each other more often. They started having conversations about music, their favorite artists, and their shared love for singing. It was during one of these late-night conversations in the practice room that their connection deepened. Taeil sat on a piano stool, fingers lightly tapping the keys as he hummed a haunting melody. Xiaojun leaned against the piano, his eyes closed, lost in the beauty of the music. It was a quiet moment, a moment of vulnerability as they shared their thoughts and feelings about their musical journey.

"You know," Taeil began, his voice soft and contemplative, "sometimes I feel like music is the only thing that truly understands me. It's my way of expressing all the emotions I can't put into words."

Xiaojun nodded, his heart aching in recognition. "I feel the same way. There's something about singing that just... connects with my soul. It's like a lifeline, you know?"

Taeil smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Yeah, I do know. And it's even better when you can share it with someone who gets it."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now