Stay With Me P.48 (Lumark)💖

Start from the beginning

Every word they exchanged was like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting a vibrant picture of friendship, and the fans couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer magnetism of their connection. Their camaraderie was genuine and unfiltered, their laughter infectious, and their chemistry undeniable.

As they delved into personal anecdotes and shared memories, their eyes often met, conveying a depth of understanding that surpassed the bounds of mere friendship. In those fleeting glances, they glimpsed the unspoken emotions that had taken root in their hearts.

The live stream ended, leaving the fans in awe and clamoring for more. But amidst the applause and adoration, Mark and Lucas shared a knowing look, one that spoke volumes about the uncharted territory they had entered. It was a silent acknowledgment that their feelings went beyond the stage and into the realm of the heart.


The momentous day arrived when Lee So Man, the legendary producer, summoned Lucas and Mark to his office. As they walked down the corridor, their nerves tightened like strings on a guitar, ready to be strummed. They knew that whatever awaited them behind that closed door could change their lives forever.

Lee So Man's office was a grand space, adorned with awards and accolades that spoke of his remarkable career. He gestured for them to sit, and they took a seat on the edge of the plush chairs, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The room fell silent, tension thick in the air, as Lee So Man observed them with his discerning eyes. His gaze seemed to pierce through their very souls, as if he could see the dreams, fears, and aspirations that lay hidden within.

"You two," Lee So Man began, his voice deep and commanding, "have a special energy when you're together. Your chemistry is palpable, and the way you complement each other on stage is extraordinary."

Lucas and Mark exchanged glances, their hearts fluttering with anticipation. They couldn't quite grasp where this conversation was heading.

"You've captured the hearts of many, not just in Korea, but all over the world," Lee So Man continued, a hint of admiration in his voice. "That's why I've made a decision. Lucas, Mark, Taeyong, and Ten – the four of you will be part of a new project called SuperM."

Their eyes widened in shock and disbelief. SuperM was a groundbreaking collaboration of artists from different groups, destined to become a force of nature in the music industry. To be chosen for such a prestigious project was beyond their wildest dreams. Lucas and Mark exchanged a knowing look, their hearts swelling with a mixture of joy and anxiety. This was a chance of a lifetime, an opportunity to showcase their talents on a global stage. But with such a grand opportunity came the weight of responsibility and the fear of the unknown.

Lee So Man's words echoed in their minds like a resounding melody, "Your chemistry is palpable..." That was true, but what if their newfound love for each other became a hindrance to their success? What if the world couldn't accept their love story? These thoughts swirled in their minds, clouding the excitement of the moment.

Yet, as they looked at each other, they found reassurance in the unspoken understanding that had grown between them. They had faced struggles before, the challenges of language barriers and cultural differences, but they had conquered them together. And they were ready to face whatever obstacles awaited them on this new journey as members of SuperM, hand in hand. With renewed determination, they thanked Lee So Man for the opportunity, their voices resonating with gratitude and excitement. As they stepped out of his office and back into the bustling world of the entertainment industry, they knew that their lives were forever changed.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now