Stay With Me P.35 (Johnwoo)💖

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah," Johnny responded "now leave my room."

And like a pest Jaehyun left without another word.But Johnny knew for sure he was going to need a moment to think this over.

And so Johnny let a week pass by you tried to observe the other but to him nothing seemed obvious like Jaehyun had tried to state. And of course he watched Jaehyun from a distance the other with that still telling face. It told him he didn't have long to think this over.Johnny sat in the dance practice room with everybody, they were currently practicing for their newest upcoming album. And Johnny sat at a break station across from the way from Jungwoo where he sat with Mark and laughed and even cuddled with the other. Johnny wondered why Donghyuck let that happen. Next to him is Taeyong, there with knowing eyes watching everyone in the room like the leader he is.

"You know Johnny even I can see eventually," comments Taeyong.

"You too Taeyong", Johnny comments in an over exaggerated way

Taeyong rolled his eyes at the the way the other reacted so  much, "can see it you have a real problem?" Asks Taeyong

"So what am I supposed to do with all this I spent all of this time thinking he wasn't into me, or he wasn't gay, or he was into Lucas, so now what am I supposed to sit here and do with all of this information?" Frustrated Johnny comments

Maybe after some time everything have been getting to Johnny and all the time he spent trying to flirt with the other and feeling like he got to know what veil it finally sparked something at him to be ready to be done with the other.

"Well considering you have been chasing after him for almost four years I hope you would not give up now," scoffs Taeyong.

Johnny sighs,"I know Taeyong; you're right."

But he still needs time to truly sit down and think about this.

"Well," Taeyong responds, " you can only wait for so long before  even Jungwoo will be ready to give up so don't waste too much time okay?" questions Taeyong generally concern for the two. His leader moment really shining through

Johnny smiles at the caring of the other he hugs the other slightly looking over across the way at Jungwoo; does he see some jealousy from the other he isn't sure now if his eyes are just deceiving him or if that is truly what he sees. It's not like yes time anyway to figure out because it's time to now get up and go back to dance practice.

Two months had passed now Johnny didn't mean for so much time to continue to go on but he really wasn't sure where to take all of this. Any normal person would be considerably happy that their crush had like them specially after they had spent so much time chasing after the other and flirting with the other, but watching the other pine after Lucas for almost a year was enough to devastate him. But no one besides him needs to know that except for him and Jungwoo.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now