Chapter 16

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I was nervous and scared. This my first time to battle someone in violin, I am always used to that we play together and no one is better than other, like we play our own music.

This time is different even though Mr. Hendricks is a serial killer, but sure he has more experience than me in a Violin he was supposed to be a teacher after all.

"What song do you prefer to play Sally... Ah wait i know you don't have to say it's the Arena song you play it every night before you sleep". I was shocked by his answer he knows everything about me , but how I even barely new him.

Sure he has been watching me all this time and I didn't feel it.

"Well I am glad that you know Mr. Hendricks you make your self so clever and selfish". The anger started to rise within me and bravness I can't stand him anymore.

His face started to redden from what I said great the more I played well the more he will feel himself week, because that's what  he hates talented people then I will try do my best to finish him.

"Guess how will your parents react when they know that their son is the problem about the people dying". When is said that he started laughing really loudly and suddenly his face turned sinister.

"Enough! My parents are dead I killed them with my own hands they never cared about me". Even if it's true that he did that to his parents I didn't have time to say anything so I started to play the violin.

He started to play  too Mr. Hendricks seems excited about what his doing ediot really his hands is shaking while he plays.

Then I realized that the sound of the violin was strange like it has a hypnotic melody.

No wait it's the same sound he played it for me in the class when I had fallen under its spell.

Sally think well don't fall for it his messing with you. My mind is saying I try to press the stick harder on my violin and to raise the sound.

So I don't get to hear his Violin melody.

"Anything you will do Sally won't help you although I see this battle is stupid but anyway I will make you fall for it". His voice was like a sinister whisper.

"Never! You took my friend and that boy I barely new him Jacobi he would had a great life without you killing him".

"Hahaha really what a pathetic girl you are just like others exactly". Then suddenly a pair of hands grabbed me, when I face the person who is catching me it was Dolly.

She looked at me like she doesn't know me at all.

"Dolly listen it's me Sally we have to leave now please". She looked at me like iam some kind of stranger.

"You think she will listen to you she is under my hypnotic Violin spell and everyone here the same under my command only". He said it in a sinister whisper voice.

I started crying and begging her to wake up from the trance she's in, but there was no way to get her back.

"Please Dolly you are my only friend please wake up it's me Sally your only friend, Dolly wake up!". I tried my best begging pushing her to wake up, but she just fell like the others.

"Now, now Dolly bring her to me and let's finish her once and for all". Mr. Hendricks picking his Violin and starting to play, I wasted no time and I kicked Dolly and puched her to the floor.

"Iam sorry Dolly but I will come back for you I can't risk you to be his slave". Her face didn't show any signs of emotions, but I know inside her she's trying to fight it.

There is a door and it looks like it's opened first when I started running to wards it I heard Mr. Hendricks screaming. "Get her you idiots don't let her escape!".

I started to run as best as I can some boy was going to catch me but I reached for the door before he did.

The door that I went through it was the way out through this house. I looked at my back to see if someone is still chasing me, but no one thank God I escaped from that nightmare.

I can't believe that was all happening. I don't know what I have done, so that happens with me.

Shrugged away my thoughts I didn't realized that I was in the middle of the woods.

Why would someone like Mr. Hendricks like to live in an isolated place?

It seems so nobody could find him or the people he had kiddnaped.

It was freezing outside I didn't wear any jacket I forgot about it when I ran.

Iam only wearing my white t-shirt that I wear every day and my black jeans.

I kept walking and searching for a street, maybe there will be any cars I can stop them to take me.

I kept walking and still there is nothing except trees and the howling of the owl.

Until something caught my eye, a small house and it seems that someone living in it because there is a light on.

I kept walking toward it maybe I can find anyone to help me and get home, I have to save everyone as soon as possible I can't risk what happened today again.

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