Chapter 12

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I woke up by someone puching me I opened my eyes heavily to find Dolly standing in front of me. "Hey Sally what's wrong with you". Still I didn't told her anything I didn't remember what happened.

"Why were you asleep in the class 5 minutes and the class will start". She said wearing her white jacket and black jeans.

"I don't know it's just that I came early to play a little Violin and... Wait". I said to her looking surprised the Last thing I saw Mr. Hendricks.

"Sally are you okay wait for what what happened were you tired that's why you were asleep". Really Dolly always have to annoy me.

"No the last thing I saw Mr. Hendricks he came early". Trying to remember what happened.

"And then I saw his ring and... Ah I don't know what happened then". Dolly was looking at me worried like there is something she wants to tell me.

"Dolly are you alright what's wrong". Suddenly she hugged me and started crying.

"Hey its OK something happened to your family Dolly you know that best friends can say anything to each other". I felt like tears are also coming up my eyes for no reason just because Dolly was upset.

"No everything is fine but I just can't take jake out of my mind it been already six months". It's really hard losing someone you love.

"And there is no news about his dissaperance". Really where could he have went.

But what if the killer also took him since Dolly told me he was an amazing Violin player oh no could it be true.

"And also when I tried to wake you you didn't wake up so I got scared". Really I won't find such a loyal friend like her.

I got up and hugged her. "Don't worry iam here alright soon they will need to find him". I said but of course it's not true if the killer took him he could be nowhere found.

"I hope so". Then Mr. Hendricks came in with his expression less face as usual but he told us that the day was canceled and he had a job to do.

What a teacher I really started to dislike him.

I decided to let Dolly to come home with me asking her parents if she can leave at night and they said ok.

But before leaving the school I took the number of the students that play violin and cello they asked me why I told them because there is something important I will write for them in the group message.

Because I wanted to warn them about the killer and play less these days until the FBI founds him.

We came to my aunts home she made for us dinner and told us later if we want some coffee.

Coffee for my aunt Lara is like tea she serves by it the guests.

"Sally I want to speak to you about something". Dolly said looking scared while eating her food.

"What is it". I said curious.

"I feel something strange about Mr. Hendricks". That's exactly what I also wanted to tell her sooner but I thought she didn't cared if I told her.

"Before you say anything Dolly yes I felt the same and didn't you realize his red ring that he keeps wearing it all the time".

"Yes every time I look at it like it's pulling me to it". She's right I think he is hiding something.

" The same feeling  we have to...".Just I was about to say something someone called her.

"Hi dad yes iam in Sally's house... What dad I just got to her... OK fine iam coming".

"What you are leaving something happened".

"No its just my brother came from his trip and wanted to see me because his leaving again". She never told me she had a brother I thought she was alone.

"OK wait let me get the keys to drive you back". But she stopped me and told me her driver was going to take her so I said OK and leaded her to the door and she left.

I arranged the table and cleaned the dishes while my aunt was talking to my parents about how I was doing.

I went upstairs put my pijama on and cleaned my violin while cleaning a massege came to me.

Oh God when the killer will stop sending me his creepy messages.

It was definitely him but this time it wasn't a text it was a video.

When I opened it shocked came through me Dolly just left minutes ago how did he was able to capture her.

Unknown : well look who we have here your little sweet friend tying to a chair and nobody can help her soon she will die like the others if you don't come in time her heads will be ripped of her body and how fun it will be what I can do with her I will send you the location you better come alone or you will face the worst 😈.

The voice it seemed similar I think I recognized it now.

Note :
Hi everyone hoped you liked this chapter.

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