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WARNING: Violence. Like... a lot. Whoops--

~ 2:26 AM ~

Your POV

Despite the knowledge we were finally getting Frances back, hours passed as slow as they had the past week. But it was finally time.

It had been a long time; I was fairly surprised we still remembered how to get to Lafayette and Hercules's old apartment.

Walking into the complex and up the stairs, John and I were silent, our fingers laced tightly together.

We traveled silently down the hall, finding the room number. The door was locked, as we had thought, but John pulled the little clip he had brought out of his pocket.

He fumbled with it a few moments, cursing silently under his breath. "C'mon.."

There was a quiet 'click', John sighing in relief as he silently opened the door.

It was dark. Down the thin hall, a faint light shone from under the door. I looked at John, who also noticed it.

"Their room..." he muttered.

I held John's hand tighter as we walked, feeling all sorts of emotions start to pile up. When we reached the door, he opened it as carefully as he could.

There was a crib in the room. The guys were all asleep on the big bed, and I felt tears prick when I saw Frances in the crib.

"Frances..." John whispered.

I saw Frances start to stir through the dim light, watching her sit up slowly. Even in the dim light, I saw a smile cross Frances's face as John walked towards her. "My little birdie.."

She held out her arms as John carefully picked her up, holding her to his chest. "Dada!"

My eyes widened, and I could tell John started to get anxious too. I felt my heart drop when I noticed stirring from the bed, John holding Frances tighter.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?!" Alexander hissed, immediately getting off the bed. "How did you get here?!"

"We're getting our daughter back, Alexander," I answered, fighting the urge to step back at his stance.

Lafayette and Hercules were also quickly awake, which started to scare me. Alexander rushed towards John, but he managed to push him aside, hurrying to me.

He handed me Frances. "Take her and get outta here," he instructed.

My eyes widened. "B-But--"

"Take her and go, (Y/N)! I'll be fine!"

I jumped when Alexander tried running again, but John grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "Go!"

I didn't want to, but I ran out, hearing the trio curse. I was terrified. For me, for Frances, and my husband the most. There was a sense of panic hearing the bedroom door nearly slam shut.

Rushing out of the complex, I hurried to the car, getting in and locking the door. Frances was crying, and I rocked her back and forth as best I could with shaking arms. "Don't cry, sunshine... Mama's got you again..."

John's POV

As soon as (Y/N) and Frances were out of the room, I felt a slight sense of relief. 'They're safe... I'll make sure of it.'

I didn't even need to say anything, shoving Alexander to the ground when he tried to hit me again. All the anger I had built up the past week was starting to slip out.

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now