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John's POV

After another couple minutes, Frances was put in her special crib near (Y/N)'s bed, already having fallen asleep. Not after long, my wife had fallen asleep too, exhausted.

I looked up from my phone when there was quiet babbling. Standing up, I walked over to the crib. Frances looked up at me with big eyes. What I found kinda captivating was her eyes were already my hazel color. The doctor said she'd also get a lot of freckles too, so essentially, she'd look way more like me than (Y/N). But I had a feeling Frances would act very much like her mother.

Smiling, I reached my hand out to her again and stifled a chuckle when she grabbed my index finger again. With my free hand, I managed to take a photo.

I let her hold onto my finger until she seemed to get bored, letting go and quietly babbling more. I stayed by the crib as I reopened my Twitter.

Alexander's POV

Painter boy @JLaurensofficial
June 16th, almost 1 a.m, I saw art in its most natural form. It took over 24 hours, but was it worth it. Frances Eleanor Laurens- welcome to the world, my baby girl
[image attached]

It was one surprise seeing the post a month earlier than it should've been, and another seeing the shockingly hazel eyes of the baby. You could even see little wisps of curls under the small bow hat. The baby girl was definitely theirs.

"Hey guys!" I called from the main room.

Laf and Herc appeared after a few moments.

"Oui, mon amour?" Laf asked.

I held up my phone. "You might wanna see this."

They walked over, and I turned my phone to them. Both pairs of eyes widened.

"Damn... I have like no words," Herc chuckled quietly.

"Elle est si précieux..." Laf muttered. (She is so precious...)

"Tell me about it.." I mumbled in reply, turning my phone back to me. "It's like they've reached their peak and we've reached rock bottom."

"For now," Herc reassured. "Only for now.."

~ two days later ~

Your POV

After staying in the hospital a bit longer to make sure both myself and Frances were fine, we could finally go!

I held a sleeping Frances snugly in my arms as John opened the front door. We were greeted by Bowie, bouncing around and tail wagging excitedly. John chuckled, kneeling down. "Hey Bo! Did you miss us?!"

Bowie almost looked like he was smiling, looking up at me as his head tilted curiously.

"You'll have a new playmate soon, Bo! Isn't that exciting?!" I said in an excited tone, making him bounce around more.

John laughed, standing up again. I felt his hand rest on my lower back, making me smile. I looked up at him, and he returned the smile. Rather than saying anything, he just leaned down and kissed me.

"You're so pretty," he mumbled simply, making me giggle.

"Príncipe, I just had a baby, so I'm not sure you're--" John cut me off by kissing me again.

"You are. Accept it, princesa."

I giggled more. "Fine. And you're handsome."

John only shot me his usual charming grin, making me hit his arm. He laughed, walking down the hall.

~ that night ~

I changed into my pajamas, opening the bedroom door. A soft light peeked into the hall from Frances's room, and I walked to its door.

Peeking in, I saw John sat in the nursery's rocking chair. Frances was cradled in his arms as he slowly rocked back and forth. The loving sparkle in his hazel eyes made a smile cross my face.

Before I could open the door further, something caught my eye. Well... my ears, rather. I had to listen extremely closely, but I heard John singing quietly.

The interesting thing about John was he somehow had a natural singing voice, even if he didn't have much experience with it. He was always shy about it, and I didn't get to hear it that often. The thought that maybe Frances would change that made me happy.

After listening a moment, I quickly recognized the song as "Hey There Delilah".

"Hey there, Delilah, I've got so much left to say.
If every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away, I'd write it all."

I gently pushed open the door, singing with him. "Even more in love with me you'd fall. We'd have it all."

John looked up in surprise, freckled cheeks flushing into a light rose. "H-Hey, chickadee.."

I giggled, walking over to him and Frances. "I almost forgot about that voice of yours. It's beautiful."

"I-I.. Thank you, chickadee," he responded sheepishly.

"Can you sing more often, príncipe? I'd love that," I asked.

John chuckled quietly, looking down at our daughter as he continued rocking. "Only if you sing with me and assist me."

"Consider it done."

John cracked a smile and I stood next to the rocking chair, resting my hand on the back. It was quiet for a few beats, and I decided to continue the song. I was almost surprised when John joined me even more quietly, but the moments seemed perfect.

After the song, John stood up after a moment or so, carefully laying a fast asleep Frances in her crib. He turned to me, smiling lightly.

I returned the smile, taking a step forward and kissing his cheek. "You're already perfect at this."

John chuckled quietly, snaking his arms around my waist. "So are you, baby girl."


Just some fluffy filler for y'all because you deserve it

~ Galaxy

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now