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~ the next morning ~

John's POV

I woke up to (Y/N) still held snugly in my arms. I also woke up remembering last night and the fact we were still unclothed.

I felt (Y/N)'s soft breaths against my chest, feeling the sudden urge to hold her tighter. She was my wife now. Everything seemed to be turning up just right.

Adjusting my arm slightly, I looked to see (Y/N) stir, mumbling something inaudible as her (E/C) eyes fluttered open.

"G'morning..." she muttered sleepily.

"Mornin' chickadee. How did you sleep?" I responded quietly.

"Well.." (Y/N) answered. It was a moment before I saw her cheeks darkening, knowing she must've also remembered last night's events. "Y-You're... I- We..."

I chuckled, gently rubbing her bare back. "No need to be so flustered, princesa. You're beautiful."

"Shut up," she mumbled, burying her head in my chest.

"I didn't hurt you at all, did I?" I asked after a moment.

(Y/N) pulled her head back, looking up at me. "No príncipe. Don't worry."

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure.."

She giggled. "For being such a tease, you worry a lot."

"Shush. Let's just get dressed and have breakfast."


(Y/N) was sat on the kitchen island, now dressed in leggings and one of my paint-splattered sweatshirts. She had insisted on helping me make pancakes but I told her I had it.

"It's not fair; it's our first day as a married couple and I should be helping you," (Y/N) pouted.

I chuckled, flipping a pancake onto a plate. "We can make dinner together tonight, how's that?"


I heard (Y/N) hop off the island, going to the fridge and pulling out things like syrup and butter. I turned to see her placing them on the table, walking back and also grabbing our plates.

We sat down, starting to have our pancakes.

"So, what're we going to do today?" (Y/N) asked after a beat.

I shrugged. "We could go to the park, or stay here. We have Disney, or I could help you more with painting."

"I mean, it was kinda fun painting with you last time. Or I could teach you more piano."

"Well, from the looks of it, it seems really nice out. A park trip could do us nicely," I suggested.

"That probably means we'll run into them," (Y/N) muttered.

"Who cares? We don't even have to acknowledge them."

She nodded. "You're right.. you're right."


We did in fact make our way to the park.

Walking down one of the paths, (Y/N) tugged at her... well, my sweatshirt sleeves as a breeze grazed by.


She shook her head. "Just a sudden breeze. It is nice out."

We continued, (Y/N) humming something to herself that I recognized as 'Seasons of Love'.

I laughed slightly as she grabbed my hand after a moment, lacing our fingers together.

"Five-hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?" she started singing.

"In truths that she learned, or times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died."

(Y/N) pulled back slightly, and I twirled her around, making her giggle. She looked past me, to the side, stopping her singing.

I didn't have to turn to know why. But I did anyways, my suspicions correct.

Looking back forward, I grabbed (Y/N)'s other hand, holding both of hers in mine. "C'mon chickadee. We can still have our fun."

She looked up at me, confused, but I only grinned, catching her by surprise by picking her up. (Y/N) squealed, her hands clutching the navy blue fabric of my sweatshirt. "John Laurens!"

I laughed. "(Y/N) Laurens!"

Her cheeks turned a light rose, making me laugh more. I tilted my head down, kissing her nose briefly. "You're so cute, baby girl."

"Stopppp," she whined.

"No can do, princesa."

I spun around, her starting to laugh. I couldn't help but notice both of her rings glisten from the sun's rays, making me smile brighter.

I still couldn't believe not even twenty-four hours ago, she became my wife. Out of everyone, she chose me. And it felt wonderful.

Alexander's POV

I still couldn't believe not even twenty-four hours ago, I failed to do the one thing I said I'd do. I thought I could bring them home, but now they were married and our chances were far too slim.

Seeing them just now was a complete accident. And it hurt. Watching John twirl (Y/N) when it could've been one of us. Or seeing the faint gleam of their rings, knowing that we all could've had one.

"We're just trying to have a nice day," I groaned, looking away.

"And so are they, Alex," Herc replied simply.

I sighed. "Why did things have to turn out like this? We could've still had them if we actually kept our sh*t together. And now they're married. Even better off without us."

"As much as it 'urts, mon amour, everything 'appens for a reason. Maybe, we just weren't all meant to be like that," Laf responded.

"But things were so much better with them! Every time we think we're ready for a good day, this happens! And they know what they're doing! Don't they realize how much we love them?"

"God only knows, sweetheart. Let's just keep moving," Herc replied.

Your POV

I finally caught my breath from laughing as John set me down.

"Perfect timing. They're walking away," John spoke, looking past me.

I turned, watching their figures grow smaller a moment before turning back to John.

"Hey baby?"

John made a hum of acknowledgment.

"Do you think that maybe one day we'll ever get close to them again? Like even just as friends?"

"I don't know, princesa. I really don't. All I know is that I'm worried if we get close to them again, they'll hurt you again."

I looked up at his hazel eyes. "You're not even worried about yourself?"

John shook his head. "Why would I be? You're my priority, princesa. Now and always."

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant