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~ a few hours later ~

Lafayette's POV

The three of us were sat in the main room of our apartment, Alex pacing. That seemed to be normal coming from him recently, though.

"Alex, sweetheart, you should sit down. You've been up non-stop thinking," Herc spoke after some more silence.

"But there's so much to do!" Alex exclaimed. "I have all my work for Washington to do and I'm still trying to wrap my head around things with John and (Y/N)!"

As if on cue, his phone went off. I look at his phone on the coffee table, reading the notification.

New from Lady(Y/N)
Cool New Things: The Vlog

"Way to be coincidental," Alex muttered.

"Why not throw YouTube on the TV? If we can't know what's happened personally then we at least have this," Herc suggested.

I nodded. "Oui. We 'aven't even seen either of them face-to-face in a while."

Alex shrugged. "Sure.. why not I suppose."

So he turned on the TV, going to YouTube. Scrolling through, we found the video. (Y/N) was in the thumbnail with little sparkles surrounding her, 'daily vlog' in cursive font at the bottom. Alex hit the video.

The screen loaded, (Y/N) appearing in front of the camera. She waved. "Hello my stars! It is I, Lady(Y/N), returning with a vlog!"

She spent the first few minutes discussing her video schedule, before moving on to "the actual vlog".

"So, if y'all didn't know already, I'm married now~! There are some awesome photos, as you can seeee... now!" (Y/N) pointed at various parts of the screen, different pictures showing up before vanishing after a few seconds.

She clapped her hands together. "I'll just let you go crazy in the comments later, and also wait to be tagged... that always happens.." she snickered. "By the way... the (Y/S/N) edits are amazing, please keep them up."

(Y/N) laughed, continuing. "There is also one last thing I have to surprise you guys with, but because ya girl is likes to have her fun, y'all need to wait until... the next video." She looked at the camera mischievously, but was only able to keep that face for a few moments before bursting into giggles.

I chuckled lightly, Herc doing the same. Alex had a small, amused smile on his face.

"Now, I've been seeing you guys' many, many comments. All you lil' buggers are asking me about my music and who I'll be working with, if I do.

To answer the first part, I am in fact working on a new album. Surprise~! That won't be out for like... a long while though. So get 'Take The World' while you wait, it's pretty cool. I'll leave links in the description below," she motioned down to the bottom of the screen.

"To answer your even bigger question, which were my collabs: yes! I will be collabing! Cassie and I, y'know Cassie," (Y/N) pointed to the side of the screen, pictures popping up. "We're already brainstorming some ideas. Except my girl is in her homeland Italy right now.

I will also be working with none other than Noah Elliot-Benson. Because yes, for all you wondering I'm friends with the gay singing icon himself." Another picture showed up, this time of Noah.

"I also have a few more people in mind, but you'll have to wait and see~!

Anyways, that'll do it for today's lil' vlog. It was pretty short, I know, but I'm working on a cover so I hope that makes y'all feel better. Are you guys ready for the big surprise~? Leave a comment below sharing some thoughts!

Fly sky high guys, and I, Lady(Y/N), will see you next time! Adieu~!" (Y/N) waved again as the screen changed to her end-card, which was filled with music notes and had two videos. One was under 'Previous Vlog' and another under 'Newest Cover'.

Alex exited the video, looking at us. "I suppose we didn't miss too too much, then."

"Except for whatever that 'surprise' is," I added.

"What even could that be?" Herc asked aloud.

I shrugged. "Perhaps she's gonna go on tour? She always used to talk about 'aving that dream."

"I'm willing to bet it has something to do with John," Alex muttered in reply.

"I mean, they already knew she was getting married, what else would there be with 'im to 'ide?"

"You say that like we know everything about them, love. There's obviously something we don't know," Alex responded.

Herc reached for the remote, closing out of YouTube. "We can worry about that when the time comes. Let's just take some time to ourselves, clear our heads. How about the park?"

I nodded. "That sounds nice. Alex?"

Alex paused, nodding after a moment. "Sure. I could use that."

Herc shut off the TV, all of us standing up. Alex grabbed his phone, shoving it in his sweater pocket as we walked to the door.

I tried not to think to much on the so-called 'surprise'. What's the worse it could be? I only hoped whatever it was wouldn't tear things apart any further.

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now