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~ April 27 ~

Your POV

I set the little bear in the crib, looking down to see two freckled arms slip around my waist. Biting back a smile, I leaned back into my husband. "Hi, príncipe."

"I think we've just about finished this room, princesa."

I nodded, looking around the room. The walls were painted white, but supported light-colored wood shelves and a few small nature or animal paintings that John had made. There was a white closet nearby to an empty, light-shaded wood bookshelf. A few other furniture pieces decorated the room, but nothing was over-the-top. It was cute but simple, the way we wanted it.

"I think so, baby."

Reluctantly, I pulled away and out of John's arms. "I have to change though. I got paint on my shirt."

After he nodded, I exited the room, going to our own and closing the door behind me. I went to the closet, pulling out a simple gray sweater.

Slipping off my shirt, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked at my stomach, tracing a hand down the growing bump. Even six months-almost seven-into the pregnancy, I still couldn't fully grasp the fact John and I would have a child. It was exciting and wonderful, but also slightly nerve-wracking.

There were faint stretch marks, and I grazed my hand over them, almost jumping when there was a knock on the door.

"Can I come in, chickadee?"

I paused a moment. "Yeah. I, um.. don't have a shirt on though."

The door opened slightly and John stepped in, closing it behind him. "Oh please, baby girl. I've seen you without anythin' on. How else are we workin' on a baby nursery?"

I blushed rose, and he chuckled, walking over. I didn't realize my hand was still over the faint marks on my waist until John placed his hand over mine. "You're beautiful."

"It's just.. I'm still not used to seeing myself like this. Sometimes I feel like I look... weird."

"You don't, mi ángel; don't worry. If anythin', I think you look more pretty," John responded softly.

Confused, I looked up at him. "How?"

"There's just somethin' naturally beautiful about all of it. Between the little glow you get and, just, the fact you're supporting a growing baby. I have the most beautiful wife."

I giggled as he lightly kissed my cheek repeatedly, stepping back to pull the sweater over my head.

Pulling it on completely, I looked back up at John, who smiled. "Any ideas for today, baby girl?"

I shook my head. "No. But we could always go to the park for a bit."

"But should you even be walkin' around for that long?" John asked after a moment.

I waved him off. "I'll be fine. I'm enjoying it while I still can."

John chuckled. "Okay, chickadee. Should we go now?"


"Aight. Let's get goin' then."


John's POV

We were walking aimlessly around the park. I was holding (Y/N)'s hand and her other was on my arm.

Even though (Y/N) was hiding it, I could tell she was starting to tire out. Yet she'd only tire out quicker in the next three months, so I figured may as well let her keep walking a bit longer.

My eyes flickered around the park, landing on familiar people. It was odd though. It had been months since we last saw the trio. We hadn't seen them since January, with the whole accident.

I looked away right as I swore they looked towards us. "Of course..."

(Y/N) looked up at me. "What?"

"Err.. nothing. Don't worry 'bout it, princesa."

She gave me a skeptical look before looking around, and her (E/C) eyes also landed on the trio. "Ohhh.."

(Y/N) looked away as quickly as she found them, letting go of my hand and taking a few paces back. She looked at me. "Can you still pick me up?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that even a question?"

Before she could say anything, I stepped over to her and swiftly picked her up, still being careful. She squealed in surprise, and I adjusted so she could loop her legs around my waist.

(Y/N) looked at me again, giggling. "So you can. I didn't think you'd be able to hold me like this."

I chuckled. "Because of the baby? Nothing's stopping me, chickadee. I can do it now with your bump, and I'll still do it in three months."

"Is there ever a moment where you're, like, not to best person ever?" she muttered.

I cracked a smile, kissing her nose. "Nope."

It was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "I think you missed, príncipe."


(Y/N) smiled teasingly. "Try again."


She giggled again, making me smile before pressing my lips on hers.

Lafayette's POV

"Oh mon Dieu... For not seeing us they know 'ow to get us..." I mumbled.

"The fact he still picks her up even when she has to be pretty far along is nice to see," Herc responded, cracking a small smile.

Looking over at Alex, he appeared to be distracted. He wasn't staring at John and (Y/N), but rather past them, frozen in thought.

I waved my hand in front of Alex's face. "'ello? Alex, amour?"

It took a moment, but he blinked, looking up at me, confused. "What?"

"You just looked completely lost in thought," Herc spoke.

"Oh! I'm fine," Alex chuckled. "Why don't we go to that little restaurant nearby for lunch?"

I looked at Herc. "I'd be okay with that."

Herc nodded. "Sure!"

Alex took both Herc and I's hands, starting to walk. Neither of us saw the flicker of something unknown in his dark brown eyes.

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now