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~ time skip: mid-January ~

Your POV

"Bowie! C'mere boy!"

Bowie ran from the hallway back to me, ball in mouth before dropping it at my feet.

After finding the little Aussie on Christmas, John and I were lucky the vet was in fact open. We made sure he was healthy before taking him back home with us. The day after, we spent some of the day getting everything he needed (and some un-needed things... such as a dog bow-tie that he now wears as his collar).

Also coming along with the New Year, was the end of my first trimester! The nausea did in fact go away, and was replaced with sudden bursts of energy. However, the dizziness wasn't gone yet, but wasn't as bad as the prior month. John's happiness was contagious though when he noticed the little bump I now had.

I looked at Bowie, his tail wagging eagerly as he waited for me to throw the ball again. I waited a moment before throwing the ball, laughing as Bowie turned and started running, almost tripping over his feet.

Bowie tumbled back over, dropping the ball again, looking up at me with his tongue hanging out. I giggled, ruffling his light-colored fur. "Good boy, Bo!"

I looked up, seeing John leaning against the entryway into the living room from the hall. He had his usual smile on his face.

"What're you smiling at?" I teased, picking up Bowie as he started to lick the sides of my face.

"Just two of the cutest things on this planet," John replied, walking in.

Bowie wriggled out of my grip and made his way over to John. John stopped walking when Bowie jumped up, front paws resting on his leg.

John chuckled. "Hey Bo." He leaned down, picking him up.

I stood up, brushing my leggings off. "He has so much energy. I'm lucky I can match it right now."

I reached for my phone, clicking the home button.

JLaurensofficial mentioned you in a tweet

I looked up at John, but he was too focused on Bowie to look back. Looking back at my phone, I opened the notification. The video was of Bowie and I just now.

Hercules's POV

Painter boy @JLaurensofficial
introducing two of the cutest things on the planet, with a third on the way
[video attached]
(Y/N) Laurens

"Isn't that... the dog they saw last month..?" I muttered to myself.

"Quoi?" Laf asked, looking up from his book. (What?)

"Oh.. I'm just.. thinking out loud."

"What're you looking at?"

I tilted my phone toward Laf, showing him the video.

"Oh, you're right, I think. It looks like the chien.. err, dog."

"Must've been a stray then, or something," I spoke.

Laf nodded. "Oui."

I looked up when Alex came into view. "Hey guys, what're you up to?"

Laf simply held up his book. "La lecture." (Reading.)

"I was just scrolling on social media... found this.." I held up my phone, Alex coming closer to look.

After watching the video, he stepped back, sighing. "At least they're happy."

It was quiet.

"What're we going to do after... well, their child's born? They'll want even less to do with us," I asked after a moment.

"I... really don't know," Alex responded.

"There's not much we can do," Laf answered as Alex sat down in a chair. "Unless we've been too blind to explore other ways to go about this."

"What 'other ways' even are there? I'm pretty sure trying to talk to them is the best start. Besides, it's not like we can keep doing this for a few more years!" Alex replied.

He paused. "Wait-Wait... that's it!"

"What?" Laf asked.

"Well... their child could be the help we need! If we make a good enough impression on them-"

"-Then they'll want to see us more," I finished.

Alex clapped his hands together. "Yes!"

"But what're we even supposed to do? Just magically keep doing what we're doing until the child is old enough to know us?" Laf inquired.

Alex shook his head. "No. I have some ideas."

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now