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~ May 28 (Btw sorry for all the time skips lately whoops. It just gets us closer to le child lol) ~

Your POV

Another month passed by. No more of the trio, a finished nursery (as well as an almost fully baby-proofed house), and a bigger stomach. My newest EP was also a work-in-progress, which was nice.

John was at the animal shelter, and I was out with Teegan and Mei (I haven't forgotten them I promise-). It was just after lunch, and we decided to go a mall shortly out of Manhattan.

The three of us were in Teegan's car. I was in the passenger's seat after Mei said she'd sit in the back.

Teegan turned the car on, pulling out of the parking lot of her complex. I connected to my phone to her car, opening Pandora.

"Are we going to have a problem?"

All three of us laughed, Teegan quickly joining in with the song.

"You got a bone to pick? You've come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick?"

I turned in my seat to Mei, who also joined in.

"I'd normally slap your face off, and everyone here could watch..." I couldn't help but finally join in too.

"...but I'm feeling nice, here's some advice: listen up, biatch!"


"Sooo, Mei... Rowen, huh~?" I teased as we walked around the mall.

Mei's cheeks turned a light rose. "Shut up, (N/N)."

I snickered. "You wish."

"Ay, leave the poor girl-- hold up... is that Eliza?"

I looked ahead at Teegan's statement, sure enough seeing Eliza. And she was with... Maria?

"Since when did Liza hang out with Maria?" I questioned.

"I don't know, girl. But from the looks of it, they're more than just friends," Teegan commented nonchalantly.

"What do you-- wait... they're holding hands!" Mei responded.

"Aight, this is weird. Only because one of my closest friends is essentially dating the woman my ex had an affair with? I didn't even know Eliza liked girls like that," I added. "God, I'm texting her as soon as we get back."


The three of us were sat in the food court when my phone dinged. I picked it up from it being face down on the table.

Mi príncipe: Hey princesa! I just wan...

Smiling to myself, I unlocked my phone.

Mi príncipe: Hey princesa! I just wanted to see how you were doing. Just got back from the shelter and hope to see you soon

Mi princesa (John's contact name): Hi príncipe! I'm doing good, so is the little one. Should be home in like 2 hours latest =)

Mi príncipe: Good to know. Both of those statements actually

I giggled quietly, continuing to type.

Mi princesa: You're so cute. I'll see you in a bit, mi amor💖

Mi príncipe: Not nearly as cute as you. See you soon, chickadee

I shut my phone off, sticking it in my bag. "Should we make one last trip around?"

Teegan nodded. "I'm down. Mei?"

Mei also nodded. "Let's do it!"


"Príncipe? I'm back!"

I heard the sound of paws going down the stairs, proceeded by actual footsteps.

I laughed as Bowie ran up to me, kneeling down and ruffling his fur. "My baby! Did you miss me?"

"You're not even gonna address your husband first?" John asked from the base of the stairs.

Giggling, I stood back up. "Just c'mere, amor. I missed you."

John chuckled, walking over and slipping his arms around my waist. "Did my two favorite humans have a good day?"

"More like one and a half, but yes," I answered, laughing. "The little one won't stop moving. At this point, sitting seems very nice."

John laughed as well, pulling me into the living room with him. I sat next to him on the couch, but the sitting part was short-lived as he laid down, pulling me against his chest.

"I can't believe simply walking around is still going to get worse," I sighed. "It's already a hassle."

"I think it could be worth it though. In less than two months you'll be bringing a baby into this world, princesa," John responded, one of his hands running up and down my back.

"Less than two months... ay Dios mío... and it could be earlier if the little one decides to come early," I paused. I didn't think of the idea of an premature birth until now. "It could be any day now.."

"Regardless of when it happens, I think we'll be ready."

I picked my head up off of John's chest, looking up at him. "You think so?"

He nodded, smiling. "Of course. You're strong; my strong, beautiful ángel."

I giggled, resting my head against John's chest again. His heartbeat was quiet and calming. "Thank you, príncipe."

I felt a kiss on the top of my head. "Of course, chickadee."


Any day now, right? It'd either be another two months, or even one. Or even... a week or so.

Regardless of the day it happened, it wasn't like anything would happen right away. The plan was gradual. Time was key. But John and (Y/N) would see...

...they really would regret turning us away.

Don't Need Them - John Laurens x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now