Chapter 15

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"Does it HAVE to rain while we're trying to film a movie?!?" Renge shouts as the date with Mitsukuni ends.

"Well, it looks like we'll have rain for the next couple of weeks. Maybe we could just edit what we have so far until we can start filming again?" The cameraman suggested. Renge merely nodded in defeat as they went off to begin editing.

"Good job, Yu-chan! I had fun today." Mitsukuni said with a smile. Yuki giggled and nodded.

"Me too. You looked so cool beating up those bad guys!" Yuki joked with a giggle. Mitsukuni giggled as the rest of the host club walked up.

"Well, it looks like we have the next couple of weeks off of filming, huh?" Hikaru said while looking outside at the pouring rain.

"It appears so, yes." Kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses.

"So, what do we do now?" Kaoru asked as everyone stood in silence.

"Well, I suppose we'll continue to do what we were doing before we started filming." Yuki said in thought.

"We should open the host club back up! We've had to close it until we can finish filming. Since we're taking a break from filming, we should definitely open up again! What do you think, guys?" Tamaki said with a sparkle in his eyes. Everyone nodded enthusiastically as the rain continued to pour outside.

~~ 1 week later ~~

It's been a week since they've decided to reopen the host club. During that week, Yuki and Tamaki continued to be paired up by teachers for projects and other things pertaining to the classroom, and the two grew even closer than before. Yuki continued to grow closer to everyone else in the host club too. It was another day in the host club and the girls couldn't be happier.

"Oh Tamaki, I've missed you so much!" One girl said as she fawned over him.

"As have I, my princess. Every second felt like a thousand years apart from you." He said as he tilted her head up and got closer to her.

"Oh Tamaki...." all the girls began to scream and fangirl as Tamaki and the rest of the boys continued to say sweet nothings to each of them.

"I just don't understand any of this." Haruhi sighs in annoyance, causing Yuki to giggle.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do they believe them? They say stuff like that to all the girls here, so there's really nothing to get excited over." Haruhi says as she looks at all of the fan girls in the host club.

"Well, I don't think it's too bad. Every girl at some point starts to dream of finding the perfect guy. Even I have." Yuki said as she looks in Haruhi's direction.

"You do, Yuki-senpai? But I thought..." Haruhi trails off as Yuki smiles at her.

"I know it seems impossible, but I want to find a guy who makes me feel safe. One that will prove me wrong about this fear. One that will take all my worries away and love me unconditionally. But no guy would ever want to get that close to me, I'm afraid." Yuki says with a sad smile.

"What makes you say that?" Haruhi asks as she sees Tamaki looking their way in the corner of her eye.

"I'm a mess. My life's a mess, you know? School is really the only place I can be normal. Little by little, I'm getting more comfortable here. I'm comfortable around the boys in the host club, too. They each in their own way are very sweet and caring. They're all such gentlemen. Maybe Kazu was right, this is just what I need. And who knows? Maybe I'll find love, too." Yuki says with a bright smile.

"Love, huh? Have you thought of it since you've been here?" Yuki looks at Haruhi with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?"

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