Chapter 6

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The picture above is what Kazumi looks like. I forgot to add it when he was first introduced, so here he is. :)

After classes were over for the day, Suoh and Ootori lead me to the club room for my first day as a hostess.

"So, what exactly am I supposed to do?" I look between the two of them, hoping to get an answer before we reached Music Room 3.

"For today, you will simply watch what we do. You'll learn faster from observation rather than a simple explanation. However, I will say that we have yet to decide on your type." My type? Why on earth would they want to know what kind of guys I'm interested in? I look at Ootori to see a slightly confused expression on his face, before realization hit him and caused him to laugh lightly. "No, I am not referring to what type of men you are attracted to, I am referring to what 'type' we will characterize you as. Essentially, your type is what will appeal to others. We have a wide range of types in the host club as it is, but seeing as you're our first hostess, we will have to come up with something that is different from the others that will fit your already girly personality. That is where we benefited with Haruhi, because she had no preference whether she was seen as a man or a woman, so we could just give her the 'natural type' which could be used for either. It will be a bit harder with you since you are the only hostess available. We will have to choose a type that fits your personality, but also meets many needs to the males at Ouran." I unintentionally scrunch my face in confusion, because none of what he said made sense.

"What do you mean by that? What needs are needing to be met?" Suoh placed a hand on the top of my head and patted it lightly.

"It's our job as a host club to make every woman happy. It is now your job as a hostess to make every man happy. It could be something as small as listening to him talk about his problems, or speaking to someone who doesn't normally get reached out to. We want everyone to feel loved and like they matter." That sounds so nice. I didn't know that this club had such a good background and principles. I feel proud to be in this club!

"I can do that! Why on earth would I need to observe you guys? I'm just trying to be friends with them, right?" Ootori pulled out his notebook and started to write something down, never missing a step in front of him.

"Well, there's a bit more to it than that. Which is why you'll need to observe." Ootori said matter-of-factly, leaving no room for any other questions. I simply nodded as we turned the corner in the north hallway. My heart started to race with nerves as Suoh pushed open the doors to the music room. I look around the room to get a better look at it than I had this morning. I see the now empty cabinet that I ran into this morning and slightly grimace. 10 million yen... It seems I'll be getting to know these guys for a while.

"Hey, Yuki. Are you ready for your first day in the host club?" I turn to see Haruhi walking in the doors behind me, with the twins trailing in behind her.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. Besides, since we're in the same club now, that means we can catch up! When we're not working, of course." Haruhi smiled warmly as she ruffled my hair. I've missed her so much!

"That reminds me. There's something I need to tell you. Will you wait for me tomorrow?" Haruhi has a look in her eyes that I can't quite explain. She almost looks... bitter. I don't really know how to react, so I just nod and smile as I was taught all my life.


"Tamaki, why do you look at me so lovingly?"

"Because just by casting my gaze upon you, my heart starts beating so quickly that it overflows with my undying adoration for you, my darling." Suoh holds the young lady close to him and tilts her chin up so they're gazing into each other's eyes. Her face gets rosy as she clutches to him like her life depended on this one embrace.

"Oh Tamaki..." To say that I'm shocked would be an absolute understatement. I can't hide the embarrassment on my face as Suoh hugs the young lady right in front of me. Why did I need to observe so closely? I feel like I'm intruding on a special moment. I didn't know he felt this way about this girl.

"Ok, it's the next young lady's turn for some alone time with the host club king." Ootori stares blankly as the next girl takes the place of the previous one.

"Uhm, excuse me? What do you mean the next lady??" I feel an arm land on each of my shoulders and hear a chuckle from each side of me.

"Didn't you know? The ladies choose a host they're interested in and then they spend a certain period of time with them." I look to my right to see one of the auburn haired twins looking down at me with a smirk.

"Yeah, and depending on the host, they either get a friendly conversation or they get a guy who flirts with her the whole time. They all know there's no meaning behind any of it, but they still like getting their heart racing, you know?" The other to my left explains in a bit more detail. That makes sense. Suoh was the last host I observed, and other than the twins, he was the only one who flirted. I guess the others just tend to be friendly. Speaking of the twins, this one seems to carry himself slightly different from his brother. If I remember correctly....

"You're Kaoru, right? And the one on my right is Hikaru." They both stare at me slightly shocked for a bit, before chuckling and shaking their heads in unison.

"Nope, you got it wrong!" They spoke in unison and moved around trying to confuse me, but I know I'm right. There's a softness in Kaoru's eyes and demeanor, while Hikaru has a fieriness about him that reminds me of Kazumi. I giggle at their antics and shake my head at them.

"No, I'm right. I know I am. Try again next time, ok?" I wave to the two of them as I walk to Ootori who had just called me over. He was writing in his notebook as always, and stopped only momentarily to motion me towards a table.

"This is where you'll be seeing your guests from now on. Seeing as club hours are almost over, why don't you take a little practice run on one of us? Let me look at the schedules and see who's available right now...."

My heart won't stop racing. I know it's just practice, but how am I supposed to flirt with any of these guys? Maybe if I could pick the one that's the easiest to talk to, that would help. Only one person comes to mind.

"Hey Ootori, could I actually practice with...."

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