Chapter 4

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"A hostess? What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion as Ootori adjusted his glasses.

"The Host Club will have it's first hostess, and that will draw in a bigger crowd of customers. With every customer that books you, that will be a certain number taken off of your total debt to us. Sound familiar, Haruhi?" Ootori slightly smirked to Haruhi, teasing her. She cursed under her breath and looked away from him.

"Well, it seems easy enough... And it's not like I really have a choice anyways." I smile slightly while giving in to their demands.

"Then it's settled! Meet us in here as soon as your classes are over." Suoh sparkled as he pointed a triumphant finger to the sky. He looked at me and slightly widened his eyes in realization. "Is she going to be ok, Dr. Furukawa?"

"This is nothing. She falls all the time, so she's practically used to it by now." He shrugged as he shot a teasing smile my way. I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him. Suddenly, the bell rang signaling us to head to our first class. I started to panic realizing I have no idea where my class is.

"C-crap! I don't know where to go!" I look at my schedule and gather my things in a panic. I spent so much time looking for a music room that I completely forgot to find my classroom.

"What class do you have?" Haruhi asked peering over my shoulder. "2-A? I didn't know you were a second year." I nod slightly, still panicking.

"2-A? Kyoya and I are in that class! We can show you the way." Suoh smiles while holding the door open for me. Ootori beats me to it and heads out the door.

"Don't dawdle or we'll leave you." He calls as he walks down the hallway. I nod and quickly run out the door, stopping to turn around and tell everyone bye. Even though he said not to dawdle, he is still waiting for me and Suoh by the stairs.

I walk in-between the two boys, and I can't stop my heart from racing. I didn't realize how close we had been until now. I look between the two of them, and neither seem to be making a move to talk. This silence must be comfortable for them, but it's making me a nervous wreck.

"So, what class is first, Suoh?" I ask hoping to break the unnerving silence.

"Well, we normally start off with homeroom to get attendance and to give general announcements. I don't know how they did things at Lobelia, but here the teachers exchange classrooms rather than the students exchanging classrooms. That means you'll get to be with us all day! Doesn't that sound fun, Kyoya?" Suoh sparkles and grins widely as he turns to Ootori for an answer.

"I don't know about fun, but it will definitely be a nice change of pace from your constant theatrical antics." Ootori smirked as he continued to walk down the grand hallway without missing a beat. Suoh, however, made no attempt to hide the shock and hurt he felt from Ootori's cold sarcastic words, which stopped him in his tracks.

"What do you mean theatrical antics?!? I'll have you know that everything I do comes from the heart! None of it is an act!" Suoh stormed next to Ootori while swinging his arms as if to help him speed up. Suoh continued to defend himself against Kyoya's sarcastic remarks, and a "Yes, of course." every now and then. Seeing the two of them banter back and forth is sort of amusing. I couldn't help but giggle, causing the two boys in front of me to stop in their tracks and turn around. I felt a blush creep up my face as I felt their eyes on me.

"What's so funny, Princess?" Suoh asked with a surprised expression on his face. I cleared my throat a bit and smiled at the two of them as I walked to catch up to them.

"Oh, it's nothing. You two just seem rather close, is all." I continued to walk ahead as the boys matched my pace.

"Well, of course! We've been best friends since middle school. Right, Kyoya?" Suoh flashes a childish grin at Ootori, and for a split second I could have sworn I saw a small soft smile cross Ootoris face, but it was quickly replaced with a smirk.

"I suppose that's what you could call it." He's not denying it, so the feelings must be mutual. How sweet. I can feel myself smiling at the two. At first glance, they seem so different, but it seems like there's more similarities than either of them would like to admit.

"Here we are, Princess. I hope you were paying attention to how we got here rather than my enchanting beauty." Suoh hugged himself with a longing look in his eyes, and I could feel myself cringe a bit at his words.

"Don't worry, Suoh. I don't think I was too distracted." I laugh nervously and see him pout slightly. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings or make him think he isn't... 'beautiful.' "It was your beauty that helped shine the way after all, so of course I paid attention." I smiled wide at him, and couldn't get a read on his reaction. He was just bragging about himself, so why is he so flustered right now?

"W-well, I'm glad I could be of some help! Oh, is that the bell? I gotta go, BYE!" Suoh ran into the classroom red-faced and left me completely baffled while Ootori started to write something in his book.

"This could be very interesting indeed...." I looked up at him and tried to peek at what he was writing.

"What was that, Ootori?" I asked confused as to what he could have meant.

"Oh, nothing Miss Tachibana. You'll get used to him, I'm sure. He's very quick to brag on himself, but can't handle it when people suddenly agree with him. The host club normally shoots him down, other than his guests, of course. So to have someone in the host club agree with him probably shocked him a bit. Don't worry about it." He smiled kindly at me, and opened the door to let me in.

"Ah, thank you, Ootori." He nodded in response and followed in behind me. I looked around the room and saw that all eyes were on me, and heard whispers around the room. Some were wondering if I was really 'THAT' Yuki, some were wondering who I was at all, and most of the girls were upset that I seemed so close with Suoh and Ootori. Are they really that popular? I can see how they would be, they're both very charming. I was snapped out of my trance by the teacher calling me over to introduce myself to the class.

"Hello, my name is Yuki Tachibana. It's very nice to meet you." I put on my best smile and bowed to the class. There were clearly mixed reactions to me being here, which I'm used to. The teacher pointed towards an empty desk in the middle of class for me to sit at, and of course with my luck....

"Oh, Princess! You get to sit in-between me and Kyoya!" Suoh waved me over and I could feel myself cringe under the glares I was receiving from the girls.

Well, so much for keeping a low profile. At least school might be fun from now on.

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