Chapter 5

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"It's finally lunch time! I thought I was going to wither away from starvation!" Suoh dramatically placed the back of his hand to his forehead as tears pricked at his eyes. Ootori stood up and started to walk to the door of the classroom.

"Let's head to the cafeteria, shall we?" Suoh nodded happily at Ootori's words and followed him out the door, leaving me behind in the classroom. I felt a slight pain in my chest seeing them walk out and leave me. 'They only just met me today, so they have no reason to wait for me. It's understandable, but still... I don't even know how to get there.' I frown slightly at my own thoughts and let a sigh escape my lips. I walk out the door hoping to find a sign leading to the cafeteria, when I run into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry.... Suoh?" I look up at his now familiar purple orbs and see him smiling down at me.

"Did you get everything you need? We were waiting for you out here." I look behind him to see Ootori leaning against the wall with a slight smile on his face. I couldn't help but beam at them, because maybe I could make friends here. Maybe I could be friends with them.

"Yep! Lead the way, guys."

When we made it to the cafeteria, I couldn't believe how grand it was. From the size of the room, to the tables, and even the food being served. Everything was high class, even more so than Lobelia.

"So, Princess, which lunch are you gonna get?" Suoh asked while we both looked at the menu board. I place a finger to my chin as I think about both dishes, and how much I want to try both.

"I don't know.... It's such a hard decision. They both look so good! Lunch A, or lunch B? I could always make the other at home, but I don't really know the recipe." I unknowingly start thinking out loud, and can see Suoh glance at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Well, how about I get A and you get B, and then we can split it? I was having a hard time deciding as well." He smiled kindly to me, and I could feel myself starting to drool at the thought of being able to have both lunches.

"Yes! Please!" I shout excitedly, causing Suoh to laugh a bit. I snap out of my trance and can feel my face starting to get hot. I can't believe I acted like that about food! "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!" I look to the side and cover my face with my hands, trying to hide myself from him. He chuckled and moved my hands gently.

"Don't worry about it. I want you to feel comfortable with me. You don't have to hide your interests and true personality. You're not an idol here, not with the host club. You can just be yourself." He smiled warmly and I thought about what he said. I only get to be myself at home. Everywhere else, I'm told to do what other people would want me to do or say what other people would want to hear. Could I really have another place I can be comfortable at? I nod at him with a small smile, as he takes his place in line and orders for the both of us. I reach into my dress pocket to get out my card, when Suoh shakes his head at me and gets out his card.

"It's on me today, ok? For the newest host club member, and a new friend." He smiled childishly at me and I felt like time was frozen. I've wanted this for so long. Not free food, but someone who expected nothing from me, except to solely be myself. I know I shouldn't think like this, but it's just too good to be true. I'll have to stay on my guard, just a tiny bit. I want to believe him, but I don't know if I can do that right now.

"I can pay for mine, don't worry about it." I try to pull out my card again, but I feel a hand on my shoulder and someone peering behind me.

"He insists, and he won't shut up about it if he doesn't get his way. So please, let him." Ootori says as he pays for his food. I can feel myself starting to pout and I look to the side.

"Ok, but just this one time, alright?" Suoh nods enthusiastically as he hands the lady his card. Once it was paid for, he grabbed both trays and started to walk away. "Wait, where are you going?"

"The host club sits over here. Follow me." He smiled over his shoulder, and Ootori walks ahead of me almost to confirm what Suoh was saying. I follow behind the two of them, and can feel someone glaring daggers at me. I look to the side and see not just one, but multiple pairs of eyes looking at me with loathing. I turn my attention back to Suoh and Ootori quickly. They didn't seem to notice, so it's probably best not to bring it up. I'm used to this anyways.

After walking a bit, I could see a table with familiar faces, and one that I was very happy to see in particular.

"Haru!" I ran over and hugged Haruhi, who welcomed me with open arms.

"Hey, Yuki. How's it going so far?" I sat beside her and pouted a bit. "That good, huh?"

"Well, it's not like it's going bad, the lectures are just kinda boring." I sighed as I put my head on her shoulder, not caring who saw or what was being said. Just as I was getting comfortable, I heard someone sit next to me. I looked over and saw Suoh with our lunches already split in half.

"Here, Princess." He smiled as he pushed the tray of food closer to me. I give a quick 'thank you' as we both start eating. I can still feel eyes glaring daggers through me, but I'm not gonna let them bother me.

"Hey senpai, why do you call her princess? She's not one of your guests. You know that, right?" She shot him an annoyed look as he flinched slightly.

"I'm only being nice, Haruhi! Besides, she doesn't seem to mind it. Do you, Princess?" He looked at me with expectant eyes. I chuckled slightly and turned to Haruhi.

"It's not so bad. I'm fine with it." I smile brightly at her as she sighs in defeat.

"Ok, fine. As long as it doesn't bother you, it's fine."  She turned to her food as we waited for the rest of the hosts.

"Haru-chan, Yu-chan, hey!" I looked over to see the rest of the host club walking together. Honey senpai had a wide grin on his face as he held his bunny, and Mori senpai still had the same stoic look on his face as he carried both of their trays. The twins simply smirked as they sat in front of Haruhi.

As lunchtime went on, I became less aware of the glares from before. As we all talked and got to know each other a little better, the more relaxed I felt. Maybe someday the glares won't bother me at all. Maybe one day, I'll be able to brush them off like they do.

Before I could realize it, I was letting myself get too close to the Host Club.

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