Chapter 11

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"Yu-chan, you're the sweetest thing in my life. I don't want to eat cake with anyone else... It has to be you! I love you! Will you please, be my girlfriend?" Honey asked with a deep blush spreading across his face.

"Honey-senpai.... I-" Honey shook his head and held a finger over her lips.

"Please, think about it? I could wait an eternity for you." He smiled kindly at her as a slight blush crept on both of their faces.

"O-of course" Yuki said with a nod. Honey smiled and ran off, leaving Yuki to lean up against the wall of the school in thought.

"CUT" Renge yelled. It was the next day and they had went to work filming the other confessions. There was only one confession left: Tamaki's.

"Good work, Honey-senpai. You did great!" Yuki smiled at Honey.

"Thanks, Yu-chan! You did too! Right, Takashi?" Mori nodded at Honey's question.

"The boss is up next. I wonder" Hikaru started.

"How he's holding up?" Kaoru finished.

"He's probably a babbling mess. You know how he can get." Kyoya stated while writing something in his book.

"Yeah, it makes him so much more annoying." Haruhi said with a sigh. Yuki giggled and looked around to see Tamaki sitting in a chair calmly.

"Uh, guys? I don't think the boss"

"Is that worked up at all." Everyone else followed the twins' line of gaze to see that they were right. He was sitting calmly with a finger on his chin, eyes closed in thought.

"Gee, I wonder what he's thinking about. Do you know, Kyo-chan?" Honey asked while looking up at Kyoya.

"No, unfortunately." Kyoya said as he stared at Tamaki.

"Tamaki, you're up!" Renge shouted towards him. He opened his eyes and nodded. He looked over at the group before giving a small smile and walking towards set.

"Woah, what's up with him? Yuki, keep an eye on him, ok?" Haruhi said concerned. Yuki gave a slight nod as she walked towards set.


"Yuki, thank you for meeting me out here." Tamaki said sitting under the tree in the rose garden.

"Of course. What did you need to talk to me about?" She asked kindly. Tamaki looked over and plucked a rose from the bush and began to examine it.

"You know, you're one of my best friends." Tamaki suddenly said. Yuki raised an eyebrow and nodded, slightly giggling.

"Yes, dummy. Did we need to come all the way out here for you to tell me that?" She said with another giggle. Tamaki looked at the rose again before he crushed it in his hand and stood up.

"Don't you get it? I don't want that anymore!" Tamaki said looking down at the ground.

"What? You don't?" Yuki said with a frown. Tamaki looked up at her with desperate, pleading eyes.

"No, I want more. This isn't enough for me... Yuki, I...." Tamaki looked down for a second, his eyes wide.

"Tamaki?" Yuki asked, genuinely confused and concerned, without acting.

"That's right... That's what this has to be. I've stopped thinking about myself. You've been the only thing occupying my thoughts since the moment we met. I want to be more responsible, become a man who can protect you. Become someone who you can lean on, more than anyone else. Don't you get it? I... I love you." Tamaki said with a slight blush and tears misting his eyes. Yuki's eyes widened, and a hand covered her mouth.

"Tamaki..." Yuki said quietly. Tamaki's eyes widened slightly in realization. He looked over and plucked another rose from the bush. He knelt down with a hand to his chest, holding the rose out to her.

"Please, will you be this king's queen?" Tamaki finished with a slight smile. Yuki stood in shock. Tamaki stood up and placed the rose in her hands.

"You don't have to decide now. I can wait to hear your answer. After all, I've waited my whole life to meet a girl like you. What's a few more days?" Tamaki said with a kind smile. Yuki smiled back and nodded.

"Thank you, Tamaki."

"CUT" Renge shouted. Yuki could still feel her heart racing.

"Tamaki, that wasn't in the script..." Yuki blushed and looked to the side. Tamaki cleared his throat and patted her head.

"No need to worry, princess! I just wasn't satisfied with my original script, so I had someone write me up something else. Something with a bit more drama. Seemed fitting, don't you think?" Tamaki asked with a goofy grin. Yuki sighed in slight relief and nodded.

"Yes, very much like you, Tamaki. So much so, that I almost believed you." She said with a slight giggle.

Tamaki flinched a bit at her words and took his hand off of the top of her head. Yuki looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Tamaki?" He smiled down at her.

"I'm fine! I'm just a bit parched. Besides, your knight in shining armor is on his way over to talk to you. Wouldn't want to third wheel now, would I?" Tamaki joked as he stuck his tongue out. Yuki turned red in embarrassment and tried hitting him.

"Tamaki, you idiot!" They both laughed as Yuki jumped up and grabbed his cheeks.

"O-ow! Yuki, that hurts! You don't want to mess up my beautiful face, right?!??" Tamaki tried to say with his mouth being stretched out. Yuki giggled and let go while Tamaki started rubbing his face and smiled at her. He looked over and noticed that Kyoya was standing by, waiting to talk to her.

"I have to go take care of some business with Renge. Kyoya, you'll keep her company while I'm gone, right?" Tamaki asked while looking at Kyoya.

"Certainly." Kyoya nods. Tamaki looks at the two once more and walks away.

"So Kyoya, what's up?" Yuki asked with a slight smile. Kyoya adjusts his glasses as he looks around. "Kyoya? Are you ok?" He stops looking around and looks at her and nods.

"Sorry, just making sure no one is eavesdropping."

"Eavesdropping? What for?" She asks with an eyebrow raised. Kyoya leans towards her ear and whispers:

"You didn't want it to be me, did you?"

Stage fright (OHSHC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora