Chapter 7 ~Girl Talks~

Start from the beginning

“I’m hungry.” Emma said, looking round as well, probably looking for a store that had food. Everybody laughed at her statement.

“You sound like Niall now.” Zayn said, patting her on her back, while laughing she just grinned and pulled out an apple form her bag, why in the world did she bring that? I don’t even know.

“Ok so you also carry food in your bag, how great, we learned something new about you. And that just rhymed.” Louis said, while leading the way.

“Yup it comes in handy.” Emma replied, we all laughed some more.

We entered this shop with food, and souvenirs, the next couple hours are going to be fun.

~4 Hours later~

After spending the day on that street and in the mall we decided to head back to our place and just talk and chill for bit. The ride home was actually quiet, and I’m not joking, the seating was same as before, except everybody is just worn out and tired. Emma and Louis were just talking quietly, Liam was texting, and Niall had his headphones on and eating dome kind of food, in the back, Zayn was also listening to music, and texting, Amanda was just looking out the front window, I wasn’t sure what Harry was doing, and well I’m just staring out the window, looking at the sky that was going dark.

Once we got to our place we all headed to the lounge, Emma had to be different and go to the kitchen. We all started to talk instantly about how the day was and everything.

“Anybody care for some tea?” Emma came in with a tray that held a tea pot, sugar, and milk. She went back into the kitchen to grab the mugs. Everybody just nodded their head and began to pour their tea and sugar and milk.

We talked some more, made some more jokes, and just hung out. It was really fun.

“OMG!” Emma called out randomly, startling everyone, we all looked at her with a weird look, “Sup?” she then said in a chilled voice then she started to laugh un controllably, we still stared at her until Niall just started laughing as well, soon the whole room was laughing for no reason at all.

Once we all calmed down we all just sat there quietly, “Well we should get going its late and we have an interview tomorrow, it was fun having out with you ladies, we should hang again soon, thanks for allowing us to take you to see part of London.” Liam said, standing up to put his jacket on, the boys followed him and said there thank you’s we walked to the door, us three girls saying thank you for the awesome day, and gave them a hug.

Once they left, us three girls ran up stares, sat on the couches crossed legged, ready to tell each other about the day we had in the mall.

“Emma you first, seeing how you guys were late to the food court!” Amanda said, I agreed with her saying how that was a great plan, I wanted to hear what she did.

“Ok fine, well it was really fun, we didn’t really do anything at first just make jokes and laugh at people, then we started to go into stores and just try on clothes that were not in style or even cute, we just made fun of everything.” She looked at us, I nodded my head for her to continue her story, and she just smiled and continued on.

 “Then Zayn started to do weird faces at people who were old, and just danced randomly, we all then started to dance it was really fun, we also got kicked out of a store.” She stopped again, to laugh for a bit, probably remembering the moment, even Amanda and I started to laugh a bit.

“And then we went into a hat store and I found Niall this really cute hat, I think he might have bought it, because I begged him to.  And then we just went to the food court.” She finished talking about her day, which seemed really fun and interesting.

“Okay Keera your turn!” Amanda said, I guess she was trying to avoid talking about hers and Liam’s day together. 

“Ok, so first when we got there, Louis started to run to this store, it was like old and vintage, and he started to try on clothes, soon we all tried on outfits and just took pictures and just had fun.” I checked to see if they were still listening, and they were.

“then we went into this one store and Harry decided to try on this blue strapless dress, it was really funny, Louis took a picture and posted it on Twitter, after that we just tried on clothes bought a couple of things and headed to the food court.” My day was nothing compared to Emma’s but it was still fun, Amanda and Emma started laughing, and checked Twitter to see the picture of Harry once they saw they just started laughing even harder than before.

“Ok Amanda your turn.” I said after we calmed down from laughing so hard.

“Ok fine, well we went to stores and commented on some outfits that were really ugly, we talked and I got to know him better and then he mentioned Danielle and how they broke up and how he really misses her.” She stopped, thinking to say next.

“And then he told me it was for best, then we just walked around stores, laughing and making jokes, he’s actually really funny, we even tried on goofy looking glasses, but it was pretty fun I guess.” She said, I guess that means she was done; her story was nothing compared to ours, but at least she still had fun.

“Well today was a very fun day, but we should try to go job hunting soon, I’m going to bed, don’t stay up to late, night girls!” Emma said, and then headed to her room, to sleep.

“Yeah I think I’m going to bed now, I’m pretty tired, night!” I said to Amanda, we got up to and followed me down the hall to where our rooms were.

“Same.” She went into her room and I went into mine.

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