Chapter 29 - Draco

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Draco laid alone on his bed, tossing a Golden Snitch up into the air. His hands, now accustomed to palming a quaffle, felt awkward gripping the little ball. Attempting to catch it smoothly between his fingers, he sent it back up into the air again and again. Each time, his hand opened too widely and the Snitch passed through his fingers, smacking against his palm.

Maybe that was the trade-off.  Once you decided to change your habits, past actions felt awkward.

Gripping the Snitch tightly against his palm, he threw the damn thing against his singular bedroom window. It ricocheted off the leaded glass in a high-pitched 'ping' and skidded under his bed. His father was still watching him, plotting some ill-conceived action against Hermione.

He should have told her to stay away from him. She was lauded, worshiped even - a hero. He wasn't worth ruining her sterling reputation. But he couldn't push her away, his need for her overruled reason. She was like the quaffle, she fit perfectly into the life he wanted.

When he was a little boy, his mother and father loved to read him stories. Being their darling only child, he would demand they reread his favorites. The best stories often included adventure or tales of bravery, where the wizard saves the day and is triumphant over evil. His mother's favorite had been an old wizarding parable, called 'The Witch and the Wand'. She told it so often, Draco knew the words by heart.

Long ago, in a dark forest there lived a beautiful witch. She was kind and gentle, beloved by the animals of the woods. Her control of the magical craft had been passed down to her by her mother and father, and she had learned from a young age to brew potions and heal wounds.

Her family warned her that her abilities should be jealously guarded, and to tell no one of her magic. Alas, the magical arts couldn't sustain her parent's lives. As they grew older, no potion she brewed could heal them, and they passed on. The beautiful witch was all alone.

After a time, she craved the comfort of a companion. Her animal friends only filled a portion of the empty void in her heart. When she ventured out into the nearby village, she shared her magical craft with the strangers, not heeding her parent's warning. Scared of her magic, they chased her away, and the beautiful witch was forced back into the deep forest.

Three days passed, and the beautiful witch heard another approach. Because she was a powerful spell caster, she made herself invisible to the intruder, and she watched as a light-haired woman entered her cottage. She recognized the woman from the village, she was one of the villagers who had chased the beautiful witch away. This was an envious woman, and she coveted the magical arts the beautiful witch possessed.

Discovering her wand of Ash, the woman stole it from the little house and left. The beautiful witch was furious. The wand had been given to her by her mother, it was a treasure. She lifted the enchantment and became visible again, then ran out to meet the thief. She called out to the strange woman, asking for her wand back. The wicked woman turned and cast an unforgivable spell at the witch - killing her with magic. The woman, now in possession of stolen magic, set out to find more.

It hadn't been his favorite story as a boy, he thought it was just a story about a pretty girl. She wasn't fighting a dragon or on a quest to rid the village of goblins. The story had been told for one reason: fear. If you fear someone, it makes it easier to vilify them, to hate them. Fear and hate had poisoned him, now they threatened to poison her.

An unfamiliar knock sounded at his door.

"Fuck off."

"Open up, Malfoy."

Draco recognized Theo's voice from the other side. What the hell could he want? Rehash all the good times spent at Malfoy Manor? Flicking the lock open with his wand, he stood up and reflexively smoothed the back of his hair flat.

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