Rockville Chronicles:Kevin 2 chapter 2

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 Kevin collected the core and the private jet flew him back to Harvard. When he got back to his apartment his called Victoria one his new iPhone 1.

"Look Victoria I'm no longer worthy if the sword and I'm sorry for a lot of things."

So then one of Kevin's friend Steve called him. 

"You heard about party that's happening I heard that shit going be big one of the rich kids who goes here a is funded it there will top chiefs good alcohol,and some girls might be there,Steve said,

"When is it."

"Friday night 7 pm to 2:30 am." 

"You are be there,Kevin said. 

So Kevin was exhausted and tired on a Wendsay night. So he went in his bed. Then he had a dream. Where a throne of skull and Zion holding a spear is sitting on it all. Kevin woke from the nightmare then went to refrigerator and got a beer and drunk it. Then he went back to bed.

At  Underground Area at Boston.

One of the rich people who goes Harvard and founding the parts is also the creator of Guardians,his name Conner. Also the emo kid who was in Kevin's dorm is actually a super villain  who has fire powers has his name is Micheal.  The are test out new technology and there plan. The plan is that when the party's happening a explosion will happened and kill everyone in the party because he thinks life unfair and unequal because is dad abused and tortured him as a kid. So if he does the same to millions of people life will be fair again. He's paying the emo kid about 300k for his duty. He also going to hired bunch of train criminals to assassinated everyone at the party.

"So this plan will be awesome and  let's practice this over again today and we will do this for one last time again."   Then someone called Conner. "Hey babe so you have powers so the party will be awesome on Friday and love you Victoria,Conner said while hanging up.  

Time Skip Thursday Morning.

Kevin did not have class today or tomorrow. 

So Kevin analyzed the core of the robot. He then  went on his computer's hacked Boston security system. Then he found the person making the a Guardian. It was Conner one of the rich kids who goes to this school. He's also teaming up with the emo kid Micheal. He has super strength,telekinesis,and fire abilities. So with Kevin knowing that he decided to go to the underground area.   Kevin put the suit the government suit.

So Kevin went the area underground.  Kevin hid around the area. Then when saw Micheal and Conner he decided to attack them.

"Hey asshole I know  your evil now fight and I will prevent your plan,Kevin said. 

Kevin and Micheal fought.  Kevin blast dark energy out his hands. Micheal dodged it  then used his telekinesis and threw Kevin across the room. Kevin fell on his back. Then Micheal used his telekinesis and moved him near Micheal and then  he punched Kevin the chest making him fall down to the ground. Micheal the keep punched him in the face again and again. Then  Kevin  caught a punch with his right hand then blasted dark energy with his left. The energy made Micheal moved ten feet away. Micheal fell on the his face. Micheal got up then blast fire energy at Kevin.  The energy burnt Kevin's government suit and wounded his left arm.

Kevin then ran at Micheal. Then punched him the chest. Kevin and Micheal then kept on fighting and fighting.   Micheal then punched Kevin in the chest so hard that walls in the underground area broke and that made Kevin moved to other area underneath Boston. Micheal then walked to area and saw Kevin on his back trying his best to get up. Were Kevin and Micheal were was underground abodons train system. Micheal picked up Kevin on his neck and threw on the train tracks. Kevin was lying on the track. Then out of nowhere a train hit Kevin. 

4 hours later.

Kevin woke up at a government facility were he saw Victoria healing him. Then he saw Hank standing look at him. 

"Are you okay,Hank asked.

"Yeah I just rember getting hit by train and then I passed out."

"And I realized who was the person creating the Guardians."

A few minutes later.

Kevin was back walking and healed up. Kevin hacked into the Boston's security camera and traced it showed a video of Conner making The Guardian.

"So we know Conner is hosting a the party so he can kill people what we don't now is  how big of a threat this can be. We should except some gun men and Micheal destroyed the suit you guys made me so I will have to build bullet-proof suit and Victoria,Kevin said. 

"So are plan is to face them both head-on,Victoria said. 

"Well first of since my sword isn't not letting me wield it I'm going to need to make my on suit and then we face him on with some government. We first go to the party then when the attack happens me and Victoria fight the Guardians and defeat them. Then we fight Micheal for a rematch then Hank  get a pistol and shoot Conner with a sleeping dart. We defeat Micheal we save the day,Kevin said.

"Good plan,Hank replied. "Plus kid we have everything you need to built a special suit follow me."

So Kevin followed Hank and then he saw a techno room filled with weapons and metal.

"I'm going to make some weird shit,Kevin said.

Kevin went the metal are endearment. 

"So kid there's a new metal we discovered called Zeus. It is really light weight and almost indestructible so choose it for your suit,Hank suggested.

5 hours later.

Kevin made a nano tech suit and shield made out Zeus. The suit has  X ray vision, night vision, video camera accessing,technology access,increased strength,increased speed,and increased durability. Kevin hid the nano particles into his a watch he made himself.

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