Rockville Chronicles:Justin chapter 3

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 The aircraft rose up from the Gulf of Mexico and the cannon shot energy and and blasted energy out of Houston. Justin and the crew flew to the giant aircraft. They plan was working pretty well. Justin fought some guards and killed them. Natasha then got shot in and head died. Bucky then killed the person who shot Natasha with his pistol. Justin then to the Control center. There were 4 guards inside the control air. Justin slashed his giant sword at the Control Center one of the guards. 

Justin then cut off one guards  head killing the second guard. Justin then shot one guard in the head. Justin stabbed the last guard in the chest and that killed him.  Justin then insert the usb card. The thing shut down the cannons shooting Houston. 

At the security camera's room.

Victor hacked the  security alarm. Then Jennifer took out her pistol and killed Victor and shot Hank in the stomach and it nearly killed him. 

"You assholes are so dumb see I was have a shape shifting ablities so when you guys were in the hideout I shapeshifted into Jennifer and we captured the real and my real name is Maria."

"Bucky is also a shape shifter."

Maria then called the all guards and Tevin on her phone and she told them that we have ponetial break in. 

At the Control Center.

Justin and Bucky were fighting each other. Justin eventually killed him.  Maria went to the hideout and was shape shifted back to Jenifer.

"So I hack the Control Center."

"Good so now we need is to put the bomb in the center of aircraft to destroy it's center of gravity and make the ship fall back to the ocean,Justin replied.

Maria then stabbed Justin in the chest with a knife.  Maria took out her pistol then shot Justin in the chest. 

"You were born perfect not many of us were and you strong abilities then me but you Americans belive in anything."

"Your trying to stop change decromact makes more violence and with more violence more suffering."

Then a bullet hit Maria in the back. Turns out it was the real Jennifer holding a  Assault Rifle. The gun shot killed Maria.

"Shut the fuck up about fascism it's bullshit,Jennifer said while holding the gun.

Justin removed the knife from his stomach. 

"Thanks for saving me,Justin replied. 

Then an army  of ninja's,soldiers, and samurai's appered. 

"Well we need to stop them Jennifer."

"How there about thousands of them there only two of us."

"We need to save America or die trying there are 360 million lifes at stake so we not backing are ass down surrender is dog shit."

So theey fought the arm togheter they wounded up losing the battle until. Then  Justin threw a grenade at the army that killed most of them. Then for some reason Justin can predict people's movement making them easy reversed and dodged.  Justin and Jennifer both fought and killed the entire army. 

 There were more warriors. So Jennifer fought the rest of the warriors and Justin put's the bomb in the center. When Justin walked to the center of aircraft there was one mory thing  he need to fight Tevin.

"I admire your fighting but you simply can't defeat me,Tevin said.

Justin took out his giant sword and Tevin took out his katana and the both fought. Tevin deid the first blow. Justin sensed the attack and doged it. Justin then slashed his sword at Tevin. Tevin blocked it with his katana.  Tevin then summond a lighting blast that hit Justin. Justin dodged it. Tevin then blast electric energy at  Justin. The energy stunned Justin so then Tevin stabbed Justin in the stomach.   

Justin and Tevin wering fighting for two hours.  Tevin then cracked and broke Justin's arm. Justin then kicked Tevin in the chest and then Justin shot Tevin with a gun. The gun nearly killed Tevin and he coundn't get up. Justin then removed the relic out the aircraft's core. Then Justin put a bomb at the center that exploded.  The bomb made the ship fall to the Gulf of Mexico.

At Jennifer's location. 

Jennifer searched for a plan to leave the aircraft. Then Hank piloted a helicopter.

"Get your ass on,Hank said. 

Jennifer then got on the helicopter then the flew back to a forest. Meanwhile Justin fell out the aircraft when it exploded an fell into the Gulf of Mexico. 

2 weeks later.

Justin was at a hospital lying in bed. He the n woke up and saw Jennifer sitting in a chair next to him. 

"What happen Jennifer,Justin asked. 

"We won America is now back to normal and you broke your arm and now wounded  you'll be leaving the hosptial soon,Jennifer replied. 

A few days later.

Justin left the hospital and met Hank and Jennifer. 

"So this ain't that last of terrosit attacks I'm going to afaghastian tommorrow do you want to join Justin,Hank asked. 

"Sure we will protect America forever,Justin replied. 

"I'm join to,Jennifer said.

"Good we will need people like you joining are team." 

The End.

At Volga. 

Two men on horses were talking.

"They King is recruiting a knight he's really young like 16,one man said.

"He's pretty trained in combat but can save are planet from the God of Death,the second one replied.


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