Sword's Oath

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Rating: PG-13 

Genre: Fantasy: Action

Writers:  Marcus Wright and Dwayne Ham

So  outside a farm in  Volga a dad is teaching his how to shoot and bow and arrow. 

"Son hold the string and arrow and fire at the target."

The son then release the arrow and fired at the target. 

"Good job son."

"Thanks dad your always the best."

Then a knights  riding in horse appered holfing broadsword and spears had shining metal armor.

"Seems we spotted yo."

"You and your son are criminals and will suffer death,a knight said.

"You can't kill my son ,the dad replied.

"Why would your rob the king,the knight said.

"Non superpowered people are treated like crap we're poor and were discriminated we just want equal right and a society that makes everyone equal I feeel like I should be king,John said.

"You are a diesrcave boy you will never rule  John is the first son unless you he dies you will rule and that's never going to happen."

Ben then took out a  knife and stabbed and killed on knight. Then another cut of the head of Ben making him fall to the ground.  Ben headless collasped to the ground bleeding. The knight looked to the kid and said "Son you will run and never return to Volga."

The kid then ran far away never to be seen again.

10 years later.  

 A kid with blonde with pale skin is in a fighting uniform and training with a spear.  His name was Joshua he's is a young knight training to get in to ranks of knight so he can go a mission. He's training in a giant Medvial theme castle in Volga at the training room with his best friend Douglas. 

"So you think we are going to become knights,Douglas asked.

"Yeah we just train all day,Joshua replied. 

Then the beatiful,young princess that had blue hair was watching the knight's train.

"Why is she watching us,Douglas asked.

"I don't know and she's kind of pretty of course I won't date her she's royal blood and I'm just a knight,Joshua said.

Then the Princess father appeared  the King of the Land of Volga next to her daugther watching them. 

"We are going to need to recruit one of them,the princess said.

"I'll let you choose daughter the knights."

She then looked at Joshua and Douglas and said "I take those to boys."

She choose Joshua and Douglas.  So they trained and then became knights.  In the miltary room  the Gernal assigned Joshua and Douglas and Robert.

"After the war between Volga and The City of Caesars we face's a bigger threat there's a group villains called the League of Evil. They are causing violence around the planet I want to destroy there hideout,the gernal declerad.

 "So we going to kill some bad asses,Joshua  yelled.

"Maybe we should capture them,Robert said silently. 

"What you say kid your not in charge of me."

"Look I"m never going to sacrifice my life just to save some of my comrades,Joshua said.

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