Rockville Chronicles: Kevin 2 Chapter 3.

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Jump skip Friday Night 7:30.

Kevin is getting dressed  at his house up ready for the party. Kevin  first drinks a beer. Kevin the puts on the watch that he made and gets ready for the party. He goes to the party. The party was at Conner's mansion. There were waiters,tables,and a dancer floor. Kevin then meets Victoria.

"Hey Victoria."

"Hey Kevin."

"You look pretty,Kevin said.

"Dude no side conversations,Victoria said. 

"I'm just going to wine,Kevin replied. 

3:00 hours  in the party.  Kevin drunk 6 bottles of wine. Then at the party there was gunshot. Kevin new what that was and decide to go in the bathroom. Then he decide to active he watch the nano particles flow through his body creating a suit. The suit was colored purple with only the mask colored black.  Then a Kite shield was attached to Kevin's suit. Kevin removed the shield from his back and wielded it.

Kevin then walked back in the party. Then heard multiple gunshots. He saw the gun men and fought them. Kevin then picked one pistol then shot one last gun men in the chest killing him. Then  Micheal  fought Kevin. 

"Your here for a rematch bitch,Micheal said.

Micheal blasted fire energy at Kevin's suit. Kevin blocked it with his shield.  Micheal stoped blasting fire energy at Kevin. Then Kevin blast dark energy Micheal. Micheal dodged it. Then Kevin shot a bullet at Micheal. Micheal was wounded bleeding in the stomach when the bullet hit him. Kevin and Micheal keep on fighting. Kevin was losing to Micheal. Until Victoria fought Micheal.  Victoria defeated Micheal. Then a bomb was set off and blew up the mansion. Mostly everyone left. So the explosion destroyed house. 

1 hour later. 

Kevin and Victoria recovered from the explosion.  They then saw a man suit  like Kevin.

"You really are steal alive,Conner said. 

"Well I will kill you Kevin with my suit and Micheal."

Kevin fought Conner in the suit. Conner suit blasted energy out of suit. The energy hit Kevin in the xhest.  The Conner punched Kevin in the face. Kevin dodeg it then shot a pistol at Conner. Conner suit was also bulletproof.  Conner grabbed Kevin the neck and threw him across the room. In the other battle between Victoria and Micheal. Victoria was losing against Micheal until Hank shot and killed Micheal with a gun. 

Conner kept beating Kevin and nearly killing him. Conner had a sword and then stabbed Kevin in the chest killing him.  Hank then shot Conner with his gun but the bullet did nothing. His suit was bulletproof. Conner then blast electric energy out of his suit and it hit Hank. 

"Pain suffering horror those are the things life gives you but wouldn't it be better if you never had to feel the suffering and pain like I did,Conner said.  

Kevin then saw spirit the one King Arthur. 

"Son you've demonstrated that you will put others need in front of you to save everyone that is a trait every hero should have to save the world you are know worthy. Then a sword flew to Kevin then caught it and then Kevin's turn purple. Kevin the beamed light energy out of his hand making Conner flew 20 feet away and land on his back. Kevin got back from the ground and beamed light energy out his sword. The energy destroyed Conner suit.  Conner called out his army of guardians. Kevin flew and slashed his sword at the guardians destroying five of them.

Kevin then fought Conner with his god mode activated.  Conner tried to blast electric energy out of his suit but Kevin used shield to block it. Kevin punched Conner with the shield. Conner fell to the ground. Conner then took out a gun  shot Kevin in the face. Kevin then caught the bullet with his hand. Conner then shot a missile at Kevin out of his suit. The missile hit Kevin but then Kevin got back up. Kevin then gathered all the dark energy,fire energy,electric energy,ice energy,wind energy,and light energy at sword. Then he blasted all that energy at Conner.  The energy then made a explosion and Conner disappeared.

Five minutes later.

Kevin,Victoria,and Hank fought and killed all the Guardians,but then a giant robotic guardian that was about 200 feet tall came out of the ground. The giant guardian was piloted by Conner. The Giant Guardian blasted energy at Kevin. The energy made was blocked by Kevin shield. Then Kevin activated his God mode at his highest peak. Kevin then turned into a giant demonic warrior that was 300 feet tall. Kevin and The giant guardian then fought at Boston. 

Kevin first beamed light energy out of his hands. The guardian got hit and it destroyed one of it legs. Guardian then keep blast energy at Kevin. Kevin then dodged it then they both blast energy each other. The energy then caused a giant explosion that destroyed the entire city.  

4 hours later. 

Kevin woke back a his regular mode. He laying on his chest. Kevin got up and saw the city of Boston destroyed. Kevin then looked to the ground and felt sorrow. He then saw  Conner lying on the ground wounded. Kevin walked to him.

"I may have lost the battle but I won the war thousand if not millions of life's are destroyed. The works is done it will always be I am inevitable,Conner said. 

"You son of bitch I will murder you,Kevin replied.

"I'm going visit the people that died what should I tell them,Conner asked.

"Were your going you won't be visiting them,Kevin replied.

Kevin then took out his sword and cut off Conner's head.

"Burn in hell,Kevin said.

 Kevin then walked away. He then saw Victoria and Hank and talked to them.

"So Kevin the government will fix the city and we going to need more powers like you because I belive there are bigger threats in the universe so do you want to join us,Hank said. 

"Sure but I going to need to graduate college,Kevin said.

"Thanks Victoria for joining me." 

"I forgive you,Victoria said. 

5 months later.

Kevin is about finishing college and Victoria him are back together and Boston is now fixed. 

At Washington D.C Hank and Obama were talking.

"We should start Project Adam & Eve,Hank said. 

"Okay,Obama replied

Kevin and Victoria will return for Rockville Chronicles Album 3.

Rockville Chronicles A fairy tale #Longest story on Wattpad#Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora