Rockville Chronicles Kevin

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My story timeline. First Ten Billions year ago the Goddess Kaguya formed the Universe. She made a explosion. The explosion created energy. Then it also created these relics The Relic of Power,The Relic of Mind, The Relic of Immortality. The Goddess then created life 5 billion years later. The Gods created other gods,titans, humans. The lived in this peacefully planet called Asgard.

Then the some of the Gods she created turned against her and became demons. The most powerful god she created Koranic turned to a demon all of the demons almost destroyed the Goddess Kaguya. The Goddess Kaguya killed all of the demons and sealed Koranic in Ancient Temple at deep space never to be found.

So in the 2004 lies 17 year old kid name Kevin Jones.He lives with his single mother in a fictional city called Rockville,South Carolina.Goes to a private school in Rockville High.   Has straight A's. On the basketball team. In science class the have to do a science experiment about Quantum Physics with a buddy. The teacher Mr Davis is assigning partners. "So class rember the project counts for you science and teamwork grade so make sure you get an A and turn it in on time,the teacher said. "So Jonathan Joseph you will be working with Lila  Richards, Kevin Jones and Victoria Smith,Robert Wilson,The teacher announced the other groups assigned. 

Kevin and Victoria went to Kevin's house garage and worked on the science project. "Look so what should we work on with Quantum Physics,Victoria asked. "Well we can make a mini particle accelerator or a Quantum Void,Kevin said. "Both projects will take about to alteast 7 hours it's 4  pm so if we work 4 hours today so we should probably build it now.  So  they've spent four hours that  built the Particle Accelerator. Then they've built a mini neutron star and then the particle accelerator energy blast the mini neutron star then it created a wormhole. 

"We just created a Einstein Rosen  Bridge that can break space time and we just proved Einstein Theory of Relativity we going to get a Nobel prize,Kevin said. "Kevin I don't know what hell the said but it sounds smart,Victoria said. So then they've went inside the wormhole and came out in a city made of gold.  The went inside the city. Then they went to the castle inside the city. The city looked like a Medieval kingdom. There were people with swords and riding horses. They walked through a kingdom with dragons flying through the sky. Then they went to castle. We they saw a white man with long white hair carrying a giant razor Buster Sword. I looked like this.

He looked at Kevin and Victoria

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He looked at Kevin and Victoria. He then called out  the name Zohn. Then a man carrying Axe and Hammer  in both hands. He was in metal armor and he was 7 foot tall . Then Zohn saw his son. "Son how did you get here,Zohn asked. "Dad I created a wormhole to another dimension this dimension,Kevin said. "But why the hell would you abounded me,Kevin said. "Look son the City of Caesars is  country in war with another called Volga. We  live in a planet called Cockingae there are 6 different countries. They are different island in are ocean. We have Asgard,City of Caesars are country,Volga,Alomkik,and Camelot. We also live in world with people with super powers are normal.

  Like I had super strength,can blast  dark energy out of my hands,I also have a spiritual mode called God Mode it makes me fly,super spped,summon a giant 900 foot tall  samurai and control it,Zohn said.  "This man sitting in the throne his name is Zion the King of City of Caesars we are warriors protecting the are country an now we have you son."  "How may I be of any use to this country,Kevin asked. "You have the same powers of me but you need to learn how to control it so we will need you in training room." 

Kevin first learned how to blast energy his dark energy out of his hands then trained his strength and then became a better fighter.  Then Kevin and Victoria was assigned for a mission to get this powerful cosmic orb. Zohn and Zion also joined them on the mission. Kevin first geared by getting a claymore and a metal shield. Victoria used a bow and arrow. Then the sailed to Volga and went to dungeon were they were hiding the orb. "So are plan steal that orb from the Volga hideout so we can kick Volga's ass,Zion said.   So they went inside the dungeon and fought some bosses. 

Then they found the orb and then a missile hit the dungeon and made and explosion happen then  30 more missiles hit the dungeon. "Dad what are those,Kevin asked. "There are missile we are also technological advance in are planet,anyway we need to get cover."  They escaped the exploding dungeon but then Victoria was captured by on of the Volga guards.  

Time Skip. 10:30 pm Kevin wanted to go save her but Zohn said he shouldn't because he would probably get captured and he doesn't want to lose him too. So  Zohn put the orb in the throne  room. Zohn and Kevin looked at the orb and talked.

"So what is the orb about,Kevin asked. "This orb one out of three relics this orb is super powerful rumor has it if a person but in there chest they will have the ability to blast light energy,dark energy,and  have super strength." "Son don't  worry we will bring Victoria back I promise,Zohn said. So Zohn showed Kevin the Guest Room of the castle. There was a bed. Kevin then went to sleep on the bed to be woken up. 

Turns out Victoria woke her up. "Why are you waking me up,Kevin asked. "I'll tell you later,Victoria replied. They when they left  City of Caesars they interrupted by Zion and Zohn. "What is happening,Kevin asked. "You've lied your not trying to  save your country your trying to get rid of one why the hell would you lie,Victoria said. "I lied so I can take advantage of you guys so I could get the orb and now Volga is about to die so is the girl." "I'm no that bullshit happen,Kevin replied. Victoria then blasted ice energy at Zohn. "You can blast ice energy,Kevin yelled.

"Plus I heal people." Kevin then took out his sword and shield and fought Zohn. Zohn took his first blow and slashed his sword at the Kevin's shield. Kevin deflect the axe then blasted dark energy out of his hands that hit it in chest. Zohn was wounded,he then hit his hammer in Kevin's face. Kevin fell on the ground injured on his back. Then Zohn   picked up Kevin threw him at a tree. Kevin then got up and fought Zohn. Kevin ran at Zohn then kicked him in the face. Kevin stabbed Zohn in the chest with his sword. Zohn then caught then blade with his right hand  then broke it.

"Why are attacking me son,I'm or dad,Zohn asked. 

"Because you abounded me when I was baby, you literally left me in this my reality and know your child abusing me." 

"Maybe I'm not the best dad but I'm still your father and know your choosing me over this  girl from your high school,Zohn said. 

Kevin then punched Zohn in the face.  Zohn  then stabbed  Kevin in the chest with his Axe. Zohn then activated his God mode. Zohn pulled the axe out of Kevin's chest. Zohn caught of Kevin's arm. Then punched  Kevin in the stomach. Zohn then picked up Kevin by chocking him then flew 76 feet in the air. Zohn then threw to down to the ground.  At this moment Kevin has a broken back,bleeding,and without a arm.

In the other battle Victoria was losing to Mitch Conner. Since the were fighting near a 400 foot a dam near the ocean.  Victoria used her ice powers. To destroy the dam so it can a huge flood so it can make a better option to escape. 

The plan worked  but the washed away at some nearby island not far from City of Caesars

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