Chapter 12

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Terry 's POV


I thought the fucker almost killed me, but if he's dead, I don't know nor do I care.

   I rose from the rubble of the old piece of Crap building I was holding Weeks in.

  He isn't Samson nor is he Hercules. Always trying to he a hero. Pathetic.

    I grabbed a cigarette and lighter out of my back pocket and contemplated.

Who the heck is going to find him? We are in the middle if nowhere and the people in this town are to scared of the woods to go through them? A fire would be noticed by someone. I won't burn it, he'll die anyway. 

    I left the big, brutish bitch lying there in the pile somewhere regretting his silly, savior actions. I need to get out of here. Where is he? He was supposed to come and help, but no I get stuck under a heap of wood thanks to Caesar Weeks.

  What if he left me to deal with this on my own? I already owe him for helping me with kidnapping Weeks! Crap! I am a dead man walking tonight.

    My phone rang aloud in the woods.

It could only be one person.

It rang once, I shouldn't answer.
It rang twice, He'll kill me.
Thrice it rang and I finally answered. 

  "Hello Sir it's so great to hear from you. Listen, I was just thinking about you and I am so grateful of all you have done for me..." I spoke to him.

"You talk way to fucking much for me. All that "I'm So GrAtEfUl bs is unnecessary and irrelevant to this conversation." He responded.

  "I understand Sir, my apologies Sir. What is it that you wish to speak with me about Sir?" I asked scared of his response.

  "I have been meaning to tell you this for some time now. I am longer helping you, but that does not mean that you can't do what ever it is you're doing. I just will longer be offering any of my services to you since it has come to my attention that you have been keeping things from me. You know that I would never go against my own. That is something that we both agreed on, but your Little obsession over this child has taken over your mind and you have forgotten who exactly you are messing with. They are my family and I don't go against family.  So, as a result of your incompetence, you will be on your own. Have fun." 

   I cannot believe this. He just left me to be on my own without any help. Hell, I already need him to get me out of here since smart little me decided to park my truck away from the shack and walk, but Mother Nature must have been super upset since there is nothing but water all over the place and I have no idea how to get out of these woods. I stood there shocked as his words rang through my head, You will be on your own , as if it were to be my fate. That two-timing punk just could not stand the idea of me being the man in her life. 

        He couldn't do anything to me even if he tried.

  Now I am pissed and nothing is going to stand in my way of getting to my true love. 

Joelle's POV 

   " I don't think shooting him would be a good plan. He would be getting off too easy and he deserves to suffer for all the trouble he's  causing people." One of the adults in the room stated. 

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