Chapter 5

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Sorry for the wait, which is a very long wait might I add, but here is another installment of this story. Hope you enjoy.

Terry 's POV

Never have I wanted a woman more than the beauty that is you.
The way your hips sway when you walk past, the scent of your perfume filling my nostrils. I hope your nectar is just as sweet.

T. Matthews

I signed my name with the best cursive I could muster of my usual chicken stratch handwriting. Dang, she drives me crazy. I mean, I'm not crazy, but she does things to me. Her smart mouth, that "I don't care" attitude of her's, it makes me want to tame her! Just the though of her under my control, hidden away from prying eyes and those who would dare try and save her, taking care me and all of my needs, baring as many children as I so desired, it makes me feel alive in a way. Owning her forever and keeping her. She would grow to love me. Her heart will get over it because she would not be allowing herself the pleasures and happiness I could give her if all she wants is to defy me.

Checking to see if the coast was clear, I made my way to my pickup truck and began thinking of a plan to have her in my arms. I knew I needed to leave no evidence of me around so that if the cops came looking for her, it would seem as though she just disappeared. Her friends are just minor bumps in the road that I could make a few calls and they would be gone. No one is going to miss her. She's just not popular enough or the right type for anyone to care about her. She will be mine or she will have Hell to pay.

Joelle's POV

Someone needs to help this guy. He seriously has issues.

I read aloud the note to my friends as I glare down in disgust. "I hope your nectar is just as sweet" is something he would never find out about. Not a soul could pay me to sleep that thing.

"Do you think he would try something?" Jayda silently questioned scared for the answer.

"One should never underestimate what a crazy and determined mind is capable of." Sammi answered scared for his best friend.

"Just like Jayda said earlier, he did sleep with a student at his old school, but maybe there was more to the story. I'll find out. No one messes with my family. Whether it's a threat or just words being said, I don't take that shit lightly." Sabrina confessed.

Before they all got into their cars ready to head home, Joelle ended the conversation for now saying,"I know telling you guys to not worry isn't going to go well, so instead I'll just say we have to stick together and protect each other because he is going to want to get me alone and doing that would mean going through you guys. I pray we get through this, but if he tries it there will be Hell to pay."

My apologies to those who actually enjoy reading this. I really haven't been thinking much about this and whether people actually read this. Here is another chapter for you guys.

Teacher's ObsessionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant