( c h a p t e r o n e )

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3rd person's view.

Daniel was talking on the phone with david. The poor boy was irritated at his boss, david wanted him to adopt a child. Yet daniel thought he couldn't even take care of himself. Ending the call he rubbed his face and sighed. "You okay?" He heard gabbie ask. The girls, well the boys girlfriends were spending a year in the why dont we house. The new one to be exact, they had bought a bigger house.
He nodded and got up. "Meeting!" He yelled from the stairs, the boys ran downstairs and sat on the couch. "What's up?" One of his band mates asked, daniel stared at jack before talking. "David wants me to adopt a kid for fame"
His band mates stared at him in shock, "you can't even take care of yourself!" Jonah said, the other ones agreeing. "Well i told him that" the rest sighed, "I'll look for an orphanage" said jonah sighing, he didn't want his best friend adopting a kid for fame, but yet he was forced. After a while of searching he found an orphanage.
'Little twinkles orphanage' he read, clicking on the page he saw it was at least 30 minutes from their house.


The next morning they all woke up early to go to the orphanage. Finishing breakfast zach asked, "how old does the kid has to be?" Daniel thought for a few seconds. One year old was way to young, and needed more attention. "Maybe three or five, i dunno" they nodded. "Bye bye" they heard lav say before they leaved.
Maybe it wont be that bad, daniel thought.

Amelia's pov.

I lived in her since i was born, the lady said my mom had died giving birth to me, and my dad was murdered trying to have me as his daughter by a police officer. I wish i could be with them, its not that i don't like it in here, i love it actually. Well just a bit, the lady spoils us a lot and reads us stories every night. The oldests are about 17, they take care of us sometimes. Miss alexis is an amazing person, even sometimes i wish she was my mom. I dont talk a lot, or even talk to others to play. I stay in my corner. It's better alone Anyways, i dont get hurt like that.
A man comes here often, his name is Spencer. Miss alexis told us to stay away from him, he comes  here sometimes to check the orphanage. I tried staying away from him, but he came to me. He hurts me. He touched me where its private, he cuts me.   On my arms or legs, he beats me but he said, if i told someone he would hurt me more. Thats  why im most of the time alone, no one can hurt me more than he did . I also wear long sleeves most of the times, or jumpers. I dont want miss alexis to worry. I dont want to get in trouble with spencer either. I dont eat a lot, I'll finish hurt by him again. Miss alexis worries sometimes, I'm really skinny. I only say im not hungry. Im not really tho, i dont mind it. "Someone will come adopt today, go get ready" miss alexis whispered to me. She knows i dont like getting yelled at, or even someone i dont know to talk to me. I putted on black leggins with a pretty shirt. A striped jumper over it. She cant see the cuts or bruises.

We stayed in the play room, me in a corner of course. I had a blue stuffed bear on my arms, i was staring at a wall in front of me until a boy with bright blue eyes sat in front of me. "Hello" he said smiling, i looked behind him and say spencer smirking at me. Panicking i held on the teddy bear for dear life and turned to the boy. "Hello" i whispered. He smiled, "im daniel, what's your name?"
"Amelia" i whispered staring at the floor. i Didn't feel really safe with spencer Behind him Smirking at me. "How old are you", i looked up at him "3"
He smiled at me and put his hand out for me to help me up. I flinched and put my hands in front of me protectively. "Please dont hurt me" i whispered tears falling down my cheeks. I saw his smile fade and he kneeled in front of me.
"I wont hurt you i promise" i nodded and watched him go away and say something to miss alexis. I went to my room sneakily, i didn't like being close to spencer.
I layed on my bed, i was scared. What if he would hurt me again. My thoughts were interupted by miss alexis opening my door. "You got adopted amelia!"
What?! I couldn't leave here, well i could. But i didn't want too! She helped me pack my bags before holding me in her arms, "take care" she said before i was in front of daniel. He smiled at me before holding my hand and leaving. In the car he put my bags in the trunk and kneeled in front of me. "My friends are in the car, they're really nice okay?" I nodded as he opened the door. He sat me down in the middle of him and a tall boy. I stared at him, scared. He looked down at me and smiled.
I flinched a looked away. "He's not gonna hurt you sweetheart" i heard daniel say.
I nodded and scooted closer to daniel. He smiled when i held to him.
I soon fell asleep...

I woke up in the tall boy's arms, i looked around and saw we were outside a house.
Not knowing him or trusting him, i silently cried. I didn't want to bother him. He looked up at me seeing me cry, before holding me close to him. I felt a bit more safe like that. "Its okay little one, i wont hurt you"  i nodded and daniel grabbed me from his arms softly. "Thats uncle jonah" he said referring to the tall boy. "Thats uncle zach" he pointed to a boy with rosy cheeks, "that's uncle corbyn" the boy with blond hair smiled at me. "And that's uncle jack" i saw a boy with a baby in his arms.
Daniel was now my dad, i didn't really trust him yet so i just called him dani.
At dinner i didn't eat a lot. He looked worried but i just said i wasn't hungry.
I met kay, christina, gabbie and tate. They're all really nice, i did trust them right away tho, dont know why. At bedtime i changed into fluffy pijamas before dani could get into the room, they couldn't know about spencer hurting me.
"You okay?" He noticed my worried expression. I nodded and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he said kissing my head. "Goodnight dani"
I said before falling asleep...

adopted by daniel seavey ♡Where stories live. Discover now