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May 17th
POV Lydia
"Honey. You're so beautiful" mom says when I walk down the stairs, fully dressed for our senior prom tonight. I'm not gonna lie, I feel very beautiful, maybe even the most beautiful I've ever felt.

"Thank you mom" I say and give her a hug, I really think we both have been better at appreciating each other these past days. In the corner of my eyes I see Lacey running towards us with her sticky hands and I quickly pull out of the hug "no hands on the dress missy"

"I wasn't going to. I was going to put my hands on your open back" Lacey says with a cheeky smile and mom pushes her away from me gently.

"Lacey, be nice. One day this is gonna be you" mom says and Lacey's eyes lights up. Lacey is one of those girls that already plans her wedding and what she will name her children and what not. "Come on, it's photo time"

We all move out to the garden and stand by the tree we've been taking photos by at every big life-happening, like every year when I started school after the summer and every birthday. This tree also has a swing that I spent most of my days on when I was younger, and now it's Lacey's place.

Mom snaps a few pictures and then we see dad coming home from work. He looks so professional in his suit and his briefcase, and Lacey runs to hug him. He then walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Lyd, you look absolutely stunning" he smiles and gives me a hug.

"Pose" Mom says and snaps a picture of the two of us and boy, that picture is gonna be good.

"When is the lucky boy coming?" Dad asks and I look at the time. He's supposed to be here in 30 minutes.

"In half an hour. We still got plenty of time" I say and then we take more photos, we even get our neighbor to take a picture of us all together. One picture I'll cherish forever.

"You know, it's moments like this that makes me not regret having you at all" Mom says to me and I can tell she's beginning to tear up.

"What? Did you ever regret having me?" I tease her and she laughs with me.

"At times, yeah. But when I see you in this dress, waiting for a handsome boy, makes it all worth it" She says and I throw myself on her in a hug. I don't appreciate everything she has done for me, especially at such a young age, enough. Even though I've always been an easy child, imagine having another life to be responsible for at 17. It takes a whole lot of strength and courage to pull that off. And she fucking did.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your family moment" I hear Grayson's voice say from behind us and I instantly smile when I see him. He looks so handsome in his suit and his styled hair. "Woah. I'm speechless" he says and embraces me in a hug as he approaches me.

"Thank you. You look crazy handsome" I whisper in his ear as I hug him and I can literally feel him smile against the top of my head.

"Can we talk in private? I have something to give you" he whispers back and I pull out from the hug, turning to my parents instead.

"We'll be right back" I say to them and I take gray's hand and lead him to the front of the house. As we're standing on the porch he reaches for his inner pocket and takes out a small, black, silky box.

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing" he chuckles and gives me the box. "It's just a small thing I thought you could wear tonight. You know, since we're going public tonight" he says and I smile at the thought. While he's been talking I opened the box and inside there's a ring. A 'g' ring, a beautiful one.

"Grayson. I love it" I say, still in disbelief that he did something this nice to me. We're not one of those couples that buy things for each other everyday, so this means a lot to me.

"I like the thought of showing them that you're mine and only mine"

* * *

"We need to step out of the car now babe" Grayson says and gently tugs on my skirt, trying to get me to understand that I actually have to step out of the car to attend prom.

"What if they'll throw rotten tomatoes on us or shouting mean things?"

"You want us to go public, right?" He says and completely puts me on the spot.

"Well, yeah. But what if-" I start but he cuts me off. He takes my hand and looks me deep in the eyes.

"Then lets. Come on" he says and I finally take that dreaded step out of the door. I look at the time and realize that we are late, that explains why we're alone out here, but that also means everyone will see us walk in.

Grayson intertwines our fingers and leads me inside the door. As soon as we step into the venue, everyone stares at us and it's like the crowds parts to make a path for us to walk on. Everyone's eyes are big as plates and I squeeze Grayson's hand a little bit harder. Maybe much harder because I can feel Grayson trying to loosen the grip.

"The fuck, Dolan?" I hear someone scream from the back of the crowd and the look gray on Grayson's face, a look anyone would be deathly afraid of. I see people whisper things to the ones standing next to them, and giving us dirty looks. This was such a big mistake, what was I thinking when I proposed this?

"Oh my god, you two look so good together!" Sierra and Isaac dances over to us looking happy as ever and give us hugs.

"Everybody is whispering mean things about us" I say and Sierra looks at me like I'm a complete idiot.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I see the way the girls are looking at me and what they boys are saying about gray"

"Oh honey, they're jealous. You scored the hottest guy in school, no offense Isaac, without anyone knowing. And to top it all of, you're wearing this stunning dress and you're with him. Of course they're jealous" Sierra says and that's when I realize. I've been so focused on everyone hating us that I didn't see the reality. When I look out over the crowd this time, I see something completely different. They doesn't look at me with disgust in their eyes, it's jealousy.

"Come on, let's dance" Sierra says and drags us to the dance floor. Out of happiness to finally be here, not having to hide anything with Grayson, I kiss him. Right there on the dance floor, like no one is watching. I know everyone is watching, but right now I'm alone with Grayson in my mind.

A slow song starts playing and Grayson grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. I put my hands behind his neck and let my head rest on his shoulder. He's wearing my favorite cologne of his, it smells so good. This is exactly where I want to be, and I can't ever imagine leaving.

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