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February 13th
POV Lydia
Grayson actually has been in school for the most part since I talked to him. Not everyday, but I'm at least proud of him for trying. Grayson isn't really back to his normal self yet, but he's on his way.

I drive home after a long school day, but it was rather fun. All my fun lessons are today, which makes Thursdays shorter even though it's long as hell.

When I pull up on my driveway the first thing I see is Grayson sitting on my porch. My porch. He just sits there, fiddling with his own fingers. Oh god I hope mom isn't home. For a second it seems like he doesn't notice my car, but when I slam the car door shut he looks up.

"Hey" I say as I approach him and he smiles slightly at me.

"Hey" is all he says back, and I can tell that he needs someone to talk to. He seems kind of... lost.

"Wanna come in?" I ask as I pass him, and open the door with my key. Luckily it seems like no one is home. Mom and I have been good these past weeks, but I feel like her seeing me and Grayson again might send her over the edge again.

"I didn't sit on your front step for 1 hour for nothing. Are you always this slow going home from school?" He asks jokingly and I chuckle.

"I'm a slow driver, you know that" I laugh and he smiles as he gets up. He walks in after me and he's about to hang his jacket on the coat rack but I'm quick to stop him.

"Maybe you should... not. I just don't wanna... you know" I stutter and gray looks at me like I'm an idiot, which I probably am, but he backs away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I start as we're in my room and I lay down on my bed but he interrupts me.

"Don't worry about it, I understand" he says and lays down beside me. There's a comfortable silence between us, and I suddenly realize that this is the first time we've been in a bed together without doing anything sexual. And I like it.

"You saved me Lydia" Gray suddenly says and I turn to him. "In so many ways. I don't know what I would've done today if you didn't talk some sense into me"

"No gray, you did it yourself. You set your mind to change and you did it" I say proudly and I can tell that he's proud of himself too, humbly though.

"That may be true, but if you wouldn't have come talk to me I wouldn't even start. I know that I probably shouldn't, but I care about you Lyd" he says and I smile at his words.

"I care about you too, we're friends gray. Caring is a good thing" I whisper and then he does that thing again, he stares into my eyes. If it wasn't Grayson in front of me right now, I'd probably say that he's also leaning in to kiss me. But Grayson wouldn't do that. I don't think.

"Lydia I was wondering if you want to follow me-" dad suddenly bursts through the door and gray and I jerk away from each other "oh"

"Dad!" I exclaim and jump over Grayson who's just laying there, not sure what to do. He's obviously startled, not that I'm not it's just that I know that I got to act.

"Dad there's nothing between us" I say and drag him out of the room since dad is still glaring at Grayson.

"That surely doesn't look like nothing" he exclaims, and I can tell he's trying to sound mad but he's not really succeeding. It's easy to see that he wants to smile.

"It's complicated Dad, I just can't tell you" I'm not telling him what's really going on. I'd rather have him think that we're a couple. "Just please don't tell mom about this"

"And how do you plan to get him out of here? Mom will be home in like 15 minutes"

"If worse comes to worst he can just climb out of the window. Wouldn't be the first time" I say with a grin and before he gets the chance to process what I just said, I back into my room again and lock the door.

"Alright, bad news- you might have to climb out of the window tonight. Good news- you can stay as long as you want" I smile and lay down beside him again, but not looking at him this time. I see in the corner of my eye that he's looking though, and I'm having a hard time to interpret his signals.

"Man, I have to climb again? That shit hurt my hands" he complains and I laugh lightly.

"Either climb or jump 2 stories. Your call" I smirk and he smiles at me, not saying anything else. Obviously the choice is clear. "So, how has the past couple of weeks been? Do you regret letting Kevin get to you?"

"Of course I regret it- not that I remember much of it. The aftermath was hell and it's not something I'm proud of. These past weeks has been so hard, to quit smoking again isn't easy" yeah I can tell, because you smell like cigarette smoke right now gray "but I'm proud of the process I've made"

"I'm proud of you too gray. Of course I would've liked you to never start, but at least you've worked really hard at getting back to normal" I say with a smile and I can tell that Grayson is touched by my words. I can see it in his eyes.

"By now I'm just hoping that it doesn't affect my grades too much. It probably will, but I'm trying to keep my hopes up. Can you believe that there's just a few more months of high school?"

"Work hard these last months and you'll be just fine. I really can't believe that we fucking graduate in a few months, and I can't wait for real life to start. It's so surreal" it really is. I remember first day of high school, the day I had been dreading for months. I know that I was gonna be seen as the biggest nerd on earth from the first day, and I was right. Nobody really cared about me, I was almost invisible. But I worked really hard and laid the foundation to my college application. I was a girl with hopes and dreams, and I stick to those. And look where I'm at today.

"Doesn't it feel good to have everything figured out?" He asks me and I shake my head at him with a small smile, thinking to myself boy he's wrong.

"People tend to get that impression of me, but that's not entirely true. I only really have college figured out, and it stresses me out" I admit and he looks at me. Then he bursts out laughing "What?" I question but he just keeps laughing.

"Come on Lyd, you have a bright future ahead of you. I don't, but you do and I'm proud of you"

"Don't say that about yourself" I whisper and without any warning he presses his lips against mine in a away he never has before. It's like he means it this time.

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