Chapter 60 (redo)

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Okay so I know it's been a long ass time and there's not many excuses for that but if y'all want me posting again let me know! Idk if anyone will remember this book or anything but the last time I posted Allison found out she was pregnant and I barely am realizing like a year later that I posted the wrong chapter and this is the version of the chapter I meant to post! Ugh forgive me!!


The day had been long. Derek was gone for most of it doing some unknown alpha stuff. He usually told me what he had going on but I swear sometimes it goes in one ear and out the other with me. I mean sure I try to listen but it's honestly always so boring.

I had felt pretty unproductive throughout the day. I had nothing really going on and the time I spent doing nothing felt like I was just sitting there thinking about everything!

Derek had proposed and I had said yes! Yes! Like what?!? I can't even remember everything that had happened at the moment. I just remember freezing and feeling like I might faint. I mean it was bound to happen eventually but I couldn't say I was ready for it. Of course, I want to marry him! But it'd only been a few months since my mother's death... it'd all just felt too soon.

I couldn't see myself getting married without my mother being present. The thought pained me and I found the more I thought about it the more I cried. At this point, I thought I was over crying so much- but my emotions felt scattered. Everything felt overwhelming.

So I tried keeping my mind off it all. I started the day overthinking and once I realized I was overthinking I decided I needed to get things done that I hadn't before. I rearranged and organized my closet with Felix. Then we did my office and then once we realized my office was basically empty, we did Derek's office. I'm sure he'll love the fact that I reorganized all his desk drawers and put his books in alphabetical order- though given it was a bit hard with all the weird title some in Latin and such. But I'd managed to do it.

Now I was in the kitchen rearranging the cabinets and food pantry.

It was around 6 when I sent Felix off to go get us food. I hadn't eaten all day and the only thing that sounded good was something greasy.

"I forgot to ask if you liked cheese on your burger so I got one with and one without," Felix says carrying in two bags of very greasy and unhealthy food. I was in the middle of throwing out old food from the fridge.

"Without please." I shut the fridge door before washing my hands in the sink.

He sits down a burger and fries on the counter before grabbing out his own food and taking a seat on the barstool. I sat next to him, unwrapping my burger.

"So that's a pretty big ring." Felix points out while shoving a fry in his mouth. I look down at the engagement ring on my finger.

I'm getting married. It hadn't fully sunk in yet but the more I thought about it I just got butterflies in my stomach.

"Is it bad that I don't know how to feel?" I ask, glancing at him. He gives a shrug before taking a bite of his burger.

"Honestly I wouldn't know how to feel either in your shoes. You are young- you never expected any of this I'm sure it's a lot to handle at once." Felix says between chewing his food.

"I'm nervous. I just don't know how the rest of my life will go and I can't help but feel anxious about it." He nods.

"Understandable. But at least you know that it's meant to be. I mean you and Derek are mates- you're made for each other so you'll never truly go wrong when it comes to him. I'm sure it feels a bit fast but in time it'll feel right." I knew Felix was right. In fact, he gave great advice and quite honestly he was making me feel a bit better about the whole situation.

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