Chapter 40

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Hi guys so I'm on Vacay, so I didn't have my software to edit this chapter so they may be some spelling/grammar errors but not many. Sorry for the late update, enjoy!


I felt utterly nervous! Today was my Luna Ceremony or whatever you call it.

On top of that I can tell Derek was upset about me backing out after I had agreed on letting him mark me. So that was just great.

It meant that he would be a little mad at me throughout the day.

Which was whatever. He'd eventually get over it.

I was already almost done doing my makeup and hair it was already 5 and I had spent the majority of the day freaking out a little and also getting ready.

Inside I was mentally praying that this day would go very fast!

No part of me was really excited about any of this. I was too nervous to be excited, also what was there to be excited about?

I would officially be "crowned Luna" which was nerve wrecking.

It was something I had never wanted but now I was willingly accepting. How did my life go so wrong?

Yet I couldn't even say I hated it.

Probably because every time I was around Derek, everything made sense. Stupid mate bond. It really did get in the way!

After I finally managed to finish my hair and makeup, I slipped on the dress I had boughten yesterday. Now I was kinda thinking the dress was too much.

Or at least it probably wasn't necessary. But now was too late, I had about an hour to get to my ceremony.

"Felix!" I called from my bedroom, knowing very well Felix was scheduled to stand outside the door. I really hated having guards. On top of that Derek was yet to let me be free of them again.

He had even gotten mad at me yesterday when he found out I went out with only Felix "guarding" me.

I was suppose to go with at least two guards, but in my defense I had forgotten and I also didn't want to.

Felix peeks his head into the door. "You wanted me?" He asks, giving me a smile after seeing my dress that he had helped me pick out yesterday.

"I need help zipping up my dress." I turn to my side motioning towards my exposed back.

He quickly closes his eyes, yelping out a little.

"What's wrong?" I ask in an obvious panic.

"Sorry- l-Luna... umm.." He was stuttering and also seemed like he just couldn't talk.

"What is it Felix?!" I wasn't sure what was wrong but now I was freaking out. Did he think I looked horrible? Did I look fat in the dress or something?!?

"Nothing! I just don't think it's appropriate, knowing Derek he wouldn't like me touching you." He says nervously, his hand still over his eyes.

"Seriously? You almost gave me a freaking heart attack Felix! I thought something was wrong!" I hiss at him.

"I'm sorry! Should I go get Derek to help you?" He asks nervously.

"No! You'll help me!" This was utterly stupid! All he had to do was zip up my freaking dress! What was so hard about that?

"I'm sorry Luna I can't." I roll my eyes. I hated it when he called me Luna, or when anyone called me Luna.

"Fine! Get Derek!" Of course it was my luck.

He nods and quickly runs off.

I had kinda been avoiding Derek today. I just figured I'd let him cool down before tonight. He was still slightly mad at me and I'd rather him not be.

"You called?" Derek walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

He was surprisingly wearing a suit. I figured the only outfits Derek ever wore were pants and vnecks or flannels. But today he was wearing a literal suit, button-up shirt, tie, dress shoes, the whole shebang.

"I need help zipping up my dress. Felix refused to do it." I roll my eyes once again, still a little pissed off at that.

"Im glad. Why would you want another man touching you?" He asks, looking bothered.

I run my hand down my face, trying my hardest not to blow up in this moment.

"He was literally just going to zip up my dress! How is that an intimate thing?" I spat, letting a bit of my anger and frustration show.

"Now can you help me!" I turn my back towards him.

He sighs before brushing my hair to the side, the tips of his fingers grazing my neck and making me shutter.

I couldn't remember the last time he had touched me although I'm sure it had been like yesterday. It was almost like I yearned for his touch.

He of course didn't immediately zip up my dress, instead he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me very close to his chest.

I was too caught up in the moment to protest his actions.

I felt him breath in my scent. "This is pretty intimate, don't you think?" He asks, running his finger down the arch of my back.

"You're making it intimate." I murmur, turning myself around to face him.

Our faces were so close together. If I were to move less then a inch, our lips would touch.

I watched as he slowly leaned in.

Apart of me wanted to kiss him so badly, but I quickly remembered why I had been so distant from him in the first place.

I move my head to the side. In response he growls out.

"There's a certain point where you'll have to trust me, Allison." He says, clear anger in his voice.

"It's not that easy." I whisper.

"It is. I don't know if you're scared or of you just don't want to trust me, but you need to get over it."  I gasp slightly as he pulled me against him and quickly zipped up my dress before letting me go and walking out of the bedroom, making sure to slam the door on his way out.

I sigh, feeling utterly horrible.

I know at one point I'll have to let my guard down when it comes to Derek, but it's hard just accepting everything.

Especially with me. I'm a very stubborn person! I can't just let stuff go!

I know Derek is a good guy and I want to trust that he'd never hurt me again but how can I? It felt like there was barely any remorse on his side when I found out about him and Kelly. On top of that he lied to me a lot!

And he just expects me to trust him as if it's nothing? I wish it were that easy but it isn't.

"Allison?" I look towards the door at Felix. I still stood in my spot feeling like utter crap and dreading the rest of the night. "Yes?" I ask.

"Alpha Derek is ready to leave, he wants to know if you are as well." I nod slowly.

"Tell him I'll be down in a few." I murmur. He nods, quickly leaving and shutting the door behind him.

I run my hand down my face, closing my eyes. "Please let this night go fast." I mutter before slipping on my shoes and forcing myself out the bedroom door into my personal hell.

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