Chapter 55

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The black dress hung just above my knees. The lace looked like a second skin on my arms. It was quite beautiful but I hated the dress. I never thought that I'd have to buy a dress for this occasion.

I hadn't Don't my makeup, knowing there was a good chance it'd smear if I cried. I braided my hair and let it lay on my shoulder. I wore some black heels to match the dress. I looked decent and presentable.

"Your dads here." I look up back at Derek's reflection in the mirror as he walked up behind me. He was dressed in a black suit and tie. He looked handsome. He even had put in some hair gel to tame his messy hair.

"How does he look?" I question, turning towards him.

"He looks okay." Derek gave me a look full of pity. I sigh, looking back in the mirror.

I had gone with the side braid because it covered my mark. I didn't want anyone seeing it. It was still so fresh and it would be embarrassing for everyone to know that I had sex!

It wasn't a shameful thing but it felt like it should be, therefore I was making it shameful. I was hiding my shame by hiding the mark.

Derek reaches over, moving my braid aside to stare at his work on my neck. The way he looked st it- god it felt like he could so easily dominate me.

His fingers grazed the mark gently. I felt as if I got hypnotized, I leaned my back on his chest a small very quiet moan escaping my lips. I wanted to die and bury myself at the moment.

It was humiliating the way he could so easily make me feel.

He smiled, though I knew he was holding back his smirk.

"Your only getting a taste of what this mark can do." He whispers. I look at him, my lips slightly parted.

He leans in, placing a kiss on the mark. I held back another moan, grasping his dress pants with my hands.

"You're wrinkling my suit." He chuckles.

I glare at him, pushing my back off of him and walking away.

I hated the way he made me feel. As if I didn't already feel vulnerable around him before, this stupid mark is making is so much worse!

I walk downstairs, though struggling with my heels.

My dad was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water.

"Hi, dad." I go to him, giving him a hug.

"How are you doing, baby girl?" He questions. I give him a reassuring smile.

"Fine." I was lying but I couldn't allow him to know that.

"Good. You look beautiful." he rubs my arm before placing his glass of water in the sink.

"Umm- how are you dad? Are you okay?" I knew I needed to be the one asking him that, but I couldn't do it without feeling like I wasn't supposed to.

"Just fine." I glance at my hands, taking in a deep breath.

"Are we ready?" Derek asks, walking into the kitchen.

I'd never been ready, but at this moment I had no other choice but to be ready.

I nod, not trusting my voice.


"Teresa was not only a great mother and pack member, but she was a light in a dark room. She was full of life and I knew- I mean I knew her for so long and well all I know is that the world is left a dull one without her." My uncle spoke, looking down at the casket that was about to be lowered into the ground.

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