I take my eyes off of the girl in my arms and find Trish dancing a couple inches in front of Josh like she's on a stage.

My eyes drop down to her hips as she sways back and forth in her black leather skirt.

The music picks up, and suddenly my girl's moving against me twice as fast as she was before. My hands are gripped around her waist but all I'm imagining is Trish in front of me. I'm frustrated and guilty and starting to freak out more than a freshman fish out of water to the point that I stop moving and stop dancing and start noticing how much I don't want to be stuck in this weird lopsided hook-up triangle with my best friend.

I ease off my girl a little bit and she turns around wide-eyed and confused until she sees the blatant embarrassment written all over my face.

"You okay?" She asks and I'm not entirely sure how to answer.

"Yeah, I just need a minute. I'm gonna get a drink, you want one?"

I throw out the question even though I have every intention of holing myself up at the bar and avoiding the dance floor and Trish for the rest of the night. I catch her out of the corner of my eye dancing on Josh like she's basically at a strip club and I should look away but I don't.

It takes Summer Girl clicking her tongue behind her teeth to get my attention off Trish. She shakes her pretty head full of Afro curls, and pity-pouts at me.

"Don't worry about my drink, boo. You look a lot more thirsty than me. Have a goodnight," she says and then disappears back into the dance mob.

As soon as she's gone, I go right back to being the worst third wheel San Diego has ever seen. Josh and Trish are getting hot and heavy and I'm pretty sure if I keep standing here, staring at them, I'm gonna watch Josh start a family with this girl.

Guilt dropkicks me in the stomach only to be followed up by something a lot like misplaced jealousy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I only have two options when it comes to getting rid of this feeling--truth or booze. 

I try playing out all the ways the conversation with Josh could go if I pull him aside and fess up right now. But no matter which way I look at it, none of the outcomes are good. I need a better distraction. Luckily, Ricky's parties come with an endless supply.

I walk up to Josh and tap him on the shoulder mid-lap dance. It takes him a minute, but he eventually looks over at me still Trish-dazed outta his mind.

"What's up?" He asks and then immediately shifts those love eyes of his back towards Trish. I can't even bring myself to look at her.

"I'm gonna get a drink. You guys have fun. I'll catch up with you later."

I turn towards the kitchen but Josh grabs me by the arm before I can bolt.

"What about your girl situation? I can still help you out of you need it, man."

I appreciate the offer but he's way too focused on Trish to even think about playing the wingman role tonight. Besides, even if he was, I'd be a dick to keep asking for his help.

"I'll be alright. Don't wait up for me, okay?"

I flash him a sketch of a smile. He doesn't read between the lines. He's distracted. I don't blame him. Time for me to find one of my own.

"Good luck, Boy King. I wanna hear all about Miss Right in the a.m., aight?"

"You got it."

We slap hands and then I head straight for the kitchen without looking back.

BOY KING (CFTM Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now