I. Tequila = Death

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Bold = French (because I don't speak french)

Italics = Thoughts

A brunette sat with her friends, watching the strangers around her, people walking, talking, laughing. She could see who was miserable and who was happy, by the ways that smiles never reached the eyes.

"El? ... Ella!" The daydreaming girl jumped out of her wandering thoughts at hearing her name being shouted, glancing up, her blonde friends face came into focus.

"What?" Ella asked innocently as she grabbed a fry from her serving of food trying desperately to refocus in on the conversation.

"Did you even hear Mickey's question?" Her friend, Rose Tyler, asked as Ella searched her memory to see if she heard Rose's boyfriend, Mickey Smith, speak.

"Nope. Sorry, I was thinking about these heels I wanted to buy. What did you say?" Ella adjusted her purple framed glasses and turned her head toward Mickey, arching an eyebrow in question.

"I was just asking how it feels to complete your second year of university." He stole a fry from her and stuffed it into his mouth, payback for not listening to him.

"Oh! ... well, it sucked. But at least I have class when Leon gets back from work." Ella shrugged with her reply. "We better get going, Ro. Our lunch break is almost over." Ella informed with a quick look at her wristwatch, the couple kissed goodbye and Mickey walked over to Ella and gave her a fist bump.

Rose and Ella made it back to Henrik's with just a couple minutes to spare, her blonde friend walked around the shop, helping anyone who needed assistance and Ella got back behind the cash register.

¤ ¤ ¤

"Do you want to go out tonight? To celebrate? Finals are over." Rose asked as they waited for the double decker bus to take them back to their respective places of residence when the workday was finally over.

"Sorry, I only date single people." Ella kept a straight face until Rose turned to her with wide eyes and mouth gaping open like a fish. She burst into loud laughter and Rose blew out a sigh of relief when she realized Ella didn't really think she was asking her out.

"You jerk, I thought you were serious!" Rose laughed, lightly hitting Ella's arm.

"I know. But I would love to go out, I need a drink. Any ideas where though?" Ella asked as they stepped onto the bus and sat down in a seat that was recently freed, the brunette could have drove herself to work now that she has a car, but she hates driving.

"I know a couple of pubs we could hit." Ella nodded, and they rode the rest of the way talking about what time to be ready and agreed that Rose would get ready at Ella's house.

"I'm tired. Do you want to take a nap first?" The girls entered Ella's dark bedroom before it was illuminated by a soft yellow glow from the lamp on Ella's desk. Rose laughed at the earlier question before she realized the brunette was serious.

"Are you that tired?" Rose set down her purse on the carpeted floor, Ella crawled over her bed until she was situated in the furthest corner.

"Yes, and we're not meeting the boys until 10 anyway." Rose considered Ella's suggestion before relenting and lying down on Ella's bed.

Later that night after fighting with her contact lenses and taking a shower Ella was standing in her spacious closet trying to decide what she wanted to wear. She opted on a simple silk wrap dress, the color being Ella's favorite thing about it, the deep emerald did wonders for Ella's tan skin.

As she was tying the dress, a soft knock sounded over some of the faint rock music she had playing.

"I love raiding your closet, El! You have much better clothing than I do." Rose gasped with a huge smile trying to contain her maniacal laughter as she moved inside the bedroom while Ella finished her minimal makeup.

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