Jade, Selina and Samantha Going Toy Shopping

Start from the beginning

The talk in the car on the way over was about the boys. "So what are you going to give the billionaire boys?" Jade asked. "I was thinking about a remote control car." Samantha said. "Maybe a cop costume. Ya know seen Tony likes ya dad so much."Jade said giggling. "Ya know that aint such a bad idea. You could by Bruce a detective set." Selina said laughing. "Maybe some toy cars?" Nanny said laughing.

At the toy shop the girls made their way straight to the doll's section. "Oh look at this one Jade." Samantha said picking up the doll with wool for hair. "She looks just like you Sammy." Jade said giggling. "I should buy her and call her Mary." Samantha said. "Hello girls, I thought we were here looking for Master Wayne?" Nanny asked. "Oh yeah. We forgot Nanny." Samantha said placing the doll in the trolley.

The girls made it into the boys section. "Woo look at this?" Selina said standing next to the huge life size rocket. "I bet Bruce would like something like this?" She said giggling.. "No this is more like him." Jade said showing them a ninja suit. "Cool swords." Jade said giggling. "Hey Samantha what about this?" Jade said going over to Samantha. She had a purple toy sloth hanging around her neck. "He could be Gotham;s little Sloth." Samantha said giggling with Jade. "What about some Lego?" Selina asked. "Or some car's, or a train set?" Jade said giggling as she run from one toy to the other. "My goodness I do not think they are helping you Samantha." Nanny said. "Yes they are, we are having fun Nanny." Samantha said running off with the girls. "Oh my." Nanny said with a sigh. "May we help you Mam." The store worker said to her. "Ah yes, we are looking for two boys toys." Nanny said. "Well you are in the right section at least." He said looking down at her. "Yes we are shopping for the Wayne boys." Nanny said. His indifference to her changed in an instant. All of a sudden Nanny and the girls were the center of his world.

"Well might I suggest some matchbox cars, or a train set." Tony the store attendant said. "Hey mister do you know where I could buy some Little House On the Prairie Dolls?" Samantha asked. "But they are girls toys?" Tony said. "Yeah so?" Samantha said. "This way." He said leading them to the dolls section. "Nanny I am buying these. I want the Selina and Jade to have one each." Samantha said. "Yes dear. Now what are you going to get the Wayne boys?" Nanny asked. Samantha smiled.

For Tony the girls brought a big black and white police car, with a costume to match the car. For the other one, the girls picked a big red fire truck, with a fireman's costume to match. Nanny smiled as she watched Samantha take the things to the register. The shop assistant falling over himself to help her pay for and wrap the presents. But the things that Samantha took the most pride in buying was the presents she bought her friends. "I would like them wrapped too please." Samantha had said to Tony the assistant. "Yes Mam." he said smiling at her with his I hate you smile. Samantha giggled while she watched him do it.

Later at the local Italian restaurant the girls sat with Nanny laughing about the boy at the shop. "He really did not want to wrap them did he?" Samantha asked laughing. "He surely did not." Selina said laughing too. "Hello ladies, good to hear the laughter. Mr Maroni sends his regards." The man said to them. Nanny looked across at the man on the round table holding court. Laughing and drinking with his people. "Wow, Selina ya can tell we aint in the Narrows anymore." Jade whispered giggling. "Please tell Mr Maroni thank you. He has a wonderful place here." Nanny said. "My Mummy loves to get food from here." Samantha said smiling as she tucked into her Lasagna. "He looks like a big red bull." Jade whispered to Selina. "Bulls aint red." Selina replied. "I know, but we can make an exception for him don't ya think?" Jade giggled. "After lunch we will drop you home girls." Nanny said. "Yeah." Selina said thinking Like hell.

With lunch over Samantha gave her two best friends their presents. "You know for your birthdays, or whatever. Or just cause you are my best friends." Samantha said giving each one a hug. "We .. didn't do ... oh my gosh Carrie!" Jade said ripping of the wrapping. "Thank you so much Samantha." Jade said. Selina opened her doll. "Mary how cool." Selina said. Holding her doll, like it was a precious gem. "Well girls I do hate to break up the party, but it is time to go. Where can I tell the driver to drop you?" Nanny asked the girls. Selina and Jade looked at each other. Jade smiled.

"Look ya know we are really street kids, this is our best Sunday dresses. These doll's cost more than our shoes. So there is no need for ya to see where we live is there?" Jade said with one of her smiles. "If you don't want to invite Samantha to your home to meet your family. I am cool with that. But if ya don't want to walk in the rain. You will at least let us drop you on a corner near your home." Nanny said. "Thanks Nanny." Jade said holding Carrie tight. Samantha looked at them. "You two know I don't care about where you live. Or what clothes you wear. You are my friends." Samantha said as they climbed into the car. "We know thanks." Selina said. "Oh and one more thing, you two know you can open the box's the dolls come in and take them out to play with." Samantha said giggling with the girls........... Of course they did eventually, then they were placed back in the box they came in. For Jade it went to her secret tower. For Selina in her special hiding box in the closet. I for one know the girl still have them stashed today............................................

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