Kill the Separation! - part 1

Start from the beginning

I walked down the hall, our footsteps the only sound in the whole place. Kyler began whistling. I glance back at him, he stops when I give him that glare to stop. I wanted silence, I needed to think.

Could they still be gone on a mission? No, it looked as if they had been gone for at least two to three days. I ran my finger on top of the table in the dining hall, I see the tiniest bit of dust on my fingers.

I look at Kyler with a grin, he starts shaking his head.



"I said no, man."

"Well, I hired you, so I think... yes."

He sighed. I am victorious! Can't weasel yourself out of this one.

"Get the cleaning supplies! Commence operations: Clean House!" I yells with a laugh.

"That sounds like a massacre..." mumbled Kyler.

Lubbock POV

We're almost there. The morning went without problem really. None of my threads were triggered, so they weren't following us anymore, and we escaped in the opposite direction, so they would think our base was that way instead of more north.

I walk up on the ledge, in the distance, I can barely see the HQ. It looked the same, still same old home. Behind me, Doya appeared.

"You know..." she started.

I wait for her to finish, but she doesn't. something's been bothering her ever since yesterday when Tatsumi and Mine got back. What was on her mind?

"Just say it. What?" I ask.

She lets out a big breath and looks me in the eyes. Her eyes are the color of honey. Now that I think about it, she smelled like honey, and she was sweet as honey. I suddenly like honey a lot.

"Back there... yesterday you said something about not being in a relationship..." She said, looking at the ground.

My face heats up, I'm glad the others are taking so long, otherwise I would be running down the hill with embarrassment. I take a deep breath.

"Yeah. I-I guess I did say that..." I said.

Doya took a step towards me. "Then..."

We both didn't say a word. We just stared at each other, both of us blushing uncomfortably. Thinking about Doya, my heart hammered at the thought of her. But was I really...?

I stammer. "W-when we get back to base... I'll give you my answer... tomorrow." I said.

A smile grew on her face, and she was about to hug me when Akame came up the hill. She looked at me to Doya in confusion.

"What's up?" She asked.

Doya quickly spoke. "Nothing! we're just talking about... stuff."

She ran down the hill, I ran after her, Akame followed. We all can't wait to lay down in some real beds for once in three days. That mission kicked the crap outta me, fighting Wave was hard. I only got away by acting dead, a skill I'm very proud of. >:)

I walk up to the door and swing it open, but...

The lights are on.

Me and Doya ready out weapons but Akame is already running down the halls making no sound at all like a snake. Me and Doya run after her.

We all stop when we hear voices from the dining hall, we crept on the door and peeked in.

First, I saw a guy with red hair, reaching to his neck. He had a rogue feeling to him, he had a mop in his hand, in a fighting stance. But when we looked over at the man he was talking to...

"Come at me, Fiend!" Yelled Cyrus with a playful grin.

The other man made a ninja noise as he swung his mop and was deflected by Cyrus's duster.

What the hell... are they doing?

Doya can't seem to hold in her laughter at the  sight of Cyrus playing with a feather duster, she bursts. Then I burst too, Akame giggles.

Cyrus sees us and for a moment looks grim, but then he starts to laugh.

"Why do you laugh, Fiends! I am the feared feather duster of the east!" He said with a fake macho tone that made me laugh harder.

Cyrus is still Cyrus.

The other guy grinned. "And his sidekick! Mop man!"

Doya is slamming her fist down, she can't control her laughter. The door bursts open, and Najenda, Mine, Tatsumi, and Chelsea run in.

"We heard... the... commotion..." Najenda started but had a WTF face on.

Cyrus grinned at them. "So! the rest of fiends show themselves! Watch as I take my Sidekicks life with my feared feather duster!" He yelled with triumph.

The other man ran at him. "My mop will destroy you!"

They do a fake slow motion move, making Cyrus slash him in the belly.

"Noooooo!" The red haired man yelled in slow motion.

As he fell to the ground, Cyrus bowed with a grin. Everyone in the room except Najenda and Chelsea bursted out laughing. I couldn't control myself. I was probably gonna die from laughing!

"The feather duster is victorious! Fear me mortals!" He yelled, raising his duster.

Just then, he starts for the door. "Well. I gotta get to cleaning the rest of the base!" He said with a smile.

Najenda stopped him. "But you just got back-"

Cyrus grabbed her hand. "It's okay, Me and Kyler were gonna clean anyway, we're just having a little too much fun."

The guy with the red hair, Kyler, Smiles. "Nice to meet you!"

Cyrus and Kyler run off with the cleaning supplies in hand, laughing at the show they pulled off. I smile, looks like he's finally got over it.

But I could tell why he was so fixated on getting out of the dining hall...

Chelsea was staring at him the whole time.

(I snuck in another chap today! I got too excited for the next part! hope you liked it!) - MnMs171

Cyrus is avoiding Chelsea out of fear that she hates him. With Lubbock encouraging him, will Cyrus have the strength to face Chelsea again? Find out in the next part!

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