Kill the Empire! - part 2

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"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."
- Og  Mandino


Lubbock POV

I ran down the hall as fast as I could, Doya in my wake. I glance behind me to see another explosion go off, destroying the hall. Out of the dust came Dante, his arm smoking and heated up with power. He smirked as he charged at us.

"Where are you going?!" He yelled as he touched the wall, making a chain of explosions go along the wall. I jump through the window after grabbing Doya.

I land with her on my back, she climbs off and instantly aims her guns upwards and fire a couple of shots. Dante jumps out as well, deflecting the bullets with his claw.

He landed and kicked Doya in the stomach, I begin to curl around my Thread and make a spear. Once I'm done on throw it at him, but he grabs onto it with his claw and turns it to ash immediately after touching it. He grins.

"Want me to tell you what this baby does?" He yelled over at me, kicking Doya again in the stomach, making my anger flare.

He walked over Doya. "Its called Satan's Hand. It allows me to destroy anything in any way I want with just a touch. Which is why I'm so good at blowing things up." He said.

That arm can kill me in just one touch! If he wAnted he could kill me with one touch, I can't let him touch me or Doya!

He Kicked Doya again, sending her spiraling next to me, I catch her and m ask e her look at me, she gives me a small smile, and spit out blood. "Just stay here." I murmur.

She shakes her head, and I sigh. "Fine. Concentrate, and focus on controlling his body from afar. I'll buy you some time." I said.

I make a sword and walk up to him, we stand in silence, but he grins and suddenly charges, swinging his claw in a large arc, I jump up, landing on his arm and kick him in the face. Blood comes out of his nose, but he shakes me off and when in the air, backhanded me with his large claw.

I land on the ground with a large crater. I cough up blood, my lungs feeling as if they exploded. I get up and glare at him.

Why didn't he just kill me, his claw touched me directly, why didn't he turn me to ash or make me explode? I squint at him and he smiles, already knowing what I'm thinking.

"I can't implode people, sadly, just things around them, but that doesn't make it so I can't kill you with an explosion or two!" He yelled as he touched the ground and sent another chain of explosion towards me, I jump out of the way, they force of the explosion.

I'm sent through some trees, and hit a rock to stop my impact. As I try to take a breather, he's already right in front of me, his razor sharp claw digging into my arm. I scream in pain as he swings me around like a rag doll.

He stands above me, my arm bleeding. He smiles down at me, but suddenly his face controls into struggle, his arm goes to his stomach, digging into it. He screams, looking behind him to see Doya controlling him, moving her arms to his movements.

"You- gah! Bitch!" He yelled as his own arm drugged into his stomach.

I quickly get away from him and get next to Doya, her face sweating from the concentration. I tap her shoulder.

"Okay, rest, I'll need you again soon." I say in a dark tone, glaring at Dante as he grinned, his arm being under his control again.

Doya ran back, jumping into a tree. I get into a fighting stance, my own sharpened claws threading around Cross Tail. He grins. "Your claws versus my claws... who's is more sharper!" He screamed in delight.

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