IDK what this is i have slight writers block i sorry

547 12 1

You and Zach have been dating for about seven months now and nobody at your school knows.

It didn't even seem like you guys were friends let alone a couple.

You guys distanced yourselves from each other, Zach trying his hardest not to glance at you in the hallway, it was the hardest thing.

The only reason nobody knew of your relationship was that you guys didn't want anybody in you guys business.

Your school was notorious for girls breaking up relationships, especially if it was with those hot boys that 'nobody was allowed to have'

But for some reason Zach liked you, not saying you were ugly or nothing, it's just the two of you were polar opposites.

You were more to yourself and tried your best to distance yourself from the crowd he hung around.

All of them seeming ignorant and just plain rude, wanting nothing to do with them.

But lo and behold, here comes Zachary Smith at the end of the school day with a small goody bag of snacks asking you to go out with him in front of almost the whole school.

It had already been a long day of to really learning geometry and the Declaration of Independence.

When on your way out the doors of the school, Zachary Smith in all his glory approaches me.

"H-hey Y/N, I know this is a little cliche, but umm I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me?" After those words left his mouth I felt the automatic urge to look around us for anybody who even heard what just came out his mouth, bu...

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"H-hey Y/N, I know this is a little cliche, but umm I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me?" After those words left his mouth I felt the automatic urge to look around us for anybody who even heard what just came out his mouth, but of course, a bunch of kids was already out there listening to everything. 

Receiving different looks from everyone, especially nasty ones from the 'popular' girls. 

Not wanting any backlash or attention. I immediately give him my answer. 

"I'm sorry, but its gonna be a no from me Dogg, bye."  And i speed walk to the crosswalk as fast as I can, never looking back. 

Many days afterward, He would walk around the hallways with a look of failure on his face, his head hung down and a frown upon his face. 

I ha to admit it was caught sad but, honestly, I didnt think it was a big deal. 

Like cmon man, there are so many other girls out there you can have, why just me???

As I'm thinking these thoughts, I notice the hallways are empty.

"How long was I stuck in my thoughts?" 

"Long enough for you to not notice me standing right beside you." I jump like ten feet in the air from the deep voice that wavered into my ears from out of nowhere. 

I quickly turn my body, facing himwhile clenching my chest, "My guy, what is your problem, scaring me like that, gosh" 

He says nothing until he sees that ive calmed down. 

"I know why you did what you did the other day"

I looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?" 

He scoffs "Don't play, rejecting me and all, and you didn't even try to be nice about it. That ish hurted."

Now it's my turn to scoff, "Oh did I hurt poor little Zachy's feelings, I'm so sorry" I say mockingly, "I don't understand why you're upset if you know why i did it." 

He looks down "Well I didn't think you'd be so mean about it, people always tell me about how nice you are so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try you know?"

"See that's where you went wrong, you believed what other people told you, got your hopes up, and now look at you. Heartbroken. What a shame, now if you'll excuse me I have a bed to attend to-" 

He slams his hand next to my head on my locker, this mans is nothing but cliches huh?

"Look just hear me out alright, how about we meet up somewhere, where nobody will find us and talk." 

I look up to him with sceptism "Your really trying to make this happen huh?" I notion to both of us. 

He nods "Yes, very much so." 

Why is this mans so headstrong on us getting together?

Why can't he just let me live my best, problemless life? 

I finally give in "Alrighty, fine, meet me at Big T's snowcones, nobody ever goes there and its closed this time around." 

He nods excitedly, like a little puppy dog. 

I grab the rest of my stuff and walk away, before turning the corner I look back to notice him watching me. I give him a smirk "You better start thinking of how you gonna convince me to cause if not prepare to get your heart broken again love. If those same people told you I was nice then they know better to say how stubburn I can be" 

I leave him with that, my own smile spreading across my face, as I walk out the building. 

End of Part 1

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End of Part 1...

So I don't know what this is, I just know I'm running out of ideas despite having like seven hundred drafts 

but I kinda like it so it will proceed to be published

Lemon know if ya like it and I'll post next part which I'll be honest...

Has not been started yet oof

probs the fattest I've ever published a chapter since the summer ended big oof 

anyway, hope yall enjoyed it 

~stay blessed~

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