Chapter Thirty Six: Reagan's POV

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The woman was everything I expected, and yet somehow not at all what I pictured. Or wanted, for that matter. As soon as Tyson opened the door to the... bold woman, I knew we were in for a tricky couple of days.

Dara seemed like a whack-a-do, to put it lightly.

I guess I should've expected this, based on how Noah and Tyson described her, but I was hoping for more than the pound of makeup and the sundress that truly pronounced her uneven spray tan.

Maybe I wasn't being fair. She had come to the door being nice enough, but her appearances gave her personality away as edgy and ridiculously overachieving.

I had wanted to smack what appeared to be a fake smile right off her face as soon as she plastered it on there. But, I would give her a chance. I was the one who wanted more family, and if this was all I could get, then I would take it.

"Hi ya, nephews!" Her voice scared me, cutting through my ears like the shrill scream of a cat with a stepped-on tail. I unconsciously flinched, wanting to plug my ears if only to relieve them from her excitable voice.

My eyes widened in disgust. Who was this woman, and why had we invited her to our house?

I turned to Noah, my eyes questioning, but he couldn't tear his own away from the woman in our doorway. He didn't look surprised at Dara's spunky attitude, only irritated with it. He masked it well, though.

Tyson turned to me, rolling his eyes slightly before painting a sarcastic expression on his face. One with raised eyebrows, rows of white teeth, and a perky, mocking voice.

"Hi ya, Dara!" Dara showed off her somewhat yellow teeth, throwing a cigarette between her lips before pushing past Tyson and barging into our house.

Guess polite wasn't in her vocabulary. Better go back to 3rd grade.

She shouldered me out of the way with a huge grin on her face. I immediately knew who she must be heading to, looking to Noah. His face was almost comical as she looped her arms around his waist, puffing cigarette smoke out in a sly gesture.

He looked to Tyson for help as he attempted to move his trapped arms, but Tyson just stood there with an amused look in his eyes. I was bewildered by Dara's rude behavior, but nobody seemed to care what I thought.

Dara was an attention grabber, that was for sure.

"Awww, look at my little Noah! I remember when you were a tiny boy! Look at you, now, all grown up!" Dara was too peppy for her own good. I couldn't tell if she was genuinely happy to see Noah, or if this was all an act.

Her purple lips made their way to Noah's cheek, not even bothering to take the cigarette out, just moving it slightly to the side. I squeezed my eyes shut as the cigarette was this close to burning her left orange cheek.

Just barely missed.

"Yes, yes, but that's not why you're here. Although, it is fantastic to see you!" Dara parted her lips to speak over Noah, but he rushed to get out the next part before she could. "We found Reagan." A tiny, excited whisper of hope.

Dara's eyebrows pulled together, looking back at Tyson and I. She scrutinized me for a moment, and I shrunk back self-consciously. She narrowed her blank brown eyes at me before turning back to Noah, who had a worried look on his face.

"Are you sure?" Dara didn't even bother to lower her voice, despite me being right here. I raised my eyebrows, looking at Tyson. He didn't look surprised, just irritated. Noah's eyes widened as he stared at Dara.

"Yes, we're sure! Look at her! She's a carbon copy of my mother!" Dara didn't seem totally convinced, scrunching up her lips to create an annoyed expression. Her short black hair flipped slightly as she sharply looked back at me.

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