Chapter Seven: Tyson's POV

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I woke up early, earlier than usual. I got no sleep, so I decided to just get up. I couldn't sleep. I felt really guilty after my conversation with Noah. I didn't want to make Noah feel angry or upset with me, that's the last thing I would ever want to do. I just felt terrible for making him worry.

It wasn't just my conversation with Noah that kept me up, the motel wasn't my best choice. I would rather sleep in my car than try to sleep in that motel again. It smelled like dirty socks and rotten hamburger meat, honestly. The pillows and mattress were like rocks. It was uncomfortable, but that wasn't even the worst part.

A guy, Darrel, kept banging on my door. When he had first knocked, I had answered, like an idiot. He was a complete creep. The guy kept trying to barge in, I had finally slammed the door in his face and locked it for the night. I had no idea if he was still out there when I woke up, but I would take my chances.

Darrel was a big guy. He was handsome and muscular and almost taller than Noah, but not quite. Darrel was rugged and had a leather jacket. I wouldn't be surprised if he owned a motorcycle. Darrel seemed like a nice guy, but a mean drunk.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, unfortunately I couldn't lay in bed all day. I had a job to do.

My plan was to ask around about Reagan and maybe even head to local high schools, pick up some information. I needed to find her, and soon. I couldn't leave Noah for too long, but I refused to leave Dallas without Reagan. My siblings needed me, and it was about time I stepped up.

I packed up my stuff. It was around 6 AM, which meant I had only been in the hotel for about 5 hours. I hadn't gotten any sleep and I was so tired I thought I might pass out, but I knew I had to get going.

As I left the room, I noticed Darrel was passed out outside my door with a can of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Classy.

On my way out the door, I saw Ellen again. I decided I needed to thank her for her help.

"Hey Ellen. I just wanted to say thank you for your help. I'm headed home, but I wanted to know if you know anyone who goes by the name Reagan Blake. I've been looking for her, she's my little sister and she ran away a while ago." There were a couple of lies in there, but I didn't see how to get around lying in this situation.

Ellen looked up at me with sympathy. She must think my family is messed up. I felt kind of guilty, bothering her this early in the morning, especially when I could see the big bags under her eyes and how tired she looked. I could relate.

"Sorry honey, but I don't know anyone who goes by that name. I do know a couple families with the last name Blake, I'll write 'em down for ya." She whipped out a pen from nowhere and wrote down 3 addresses, along with names. She handed it to me and I almost couldn't believe how easy it was.

"Thank you, ma'am. This helps a lot. By the way, my name is Tyson." She smiled at me and I was on my way out, ready to never step foot in the crusty motel ever again.

"Hey, Sweetie. I hope you find what you're looking for. Come back anytime ya need." Her smile was sweet and I grinned back. Then, I remembered something.

"Ellen, um... a man named Darrel is passed out by my door, just so you know." I ran out of the disgusting place and heard one last thing before heading to my car.

"That poor old man. Needs to get a life, if you ask me." I laughed at Ellen's annoyed tone. She probably dealt with people like Darrel all the time.

I hopped in my car and looked at the list she gave me.

Terry and Ronald Blake- Lake View Street 1234

Harry and Candice Blake- Kendall Street 5678

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