Chapter Thirty Two: Noah's POV

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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Check out the first 2 chapters of my new story, "Werewolf Camp." Don't forget to comment, vote, and recommend to your friends. Have an incredible day!

"We believe this man, Joseph Dowry, murdered your parents on the night of March 14th, 2017." As soon as the words left the officers mouth, an ice cold chill ran down my spine.

It couldn't have been Joey. It just couldn't. That didn't add up. Why would Joey go after my parents? There had to be more to the story.

"That can't be-" I cut myself off, choking down the rest of my words as I saw Joey's face. I looked into the face of the man that potentially killed my parents, and I felt more anger than I ever had in my whole life.

The man had the audacity to smirk. My parents were dead, and he looked smug. At that moment, I thought I might actually pummel him. Griffin got to him first. I watched as he threw himself at Joey, holding nothing back.

"YOU KILLED MARIA? HUH? YOU BASTARD, HOW COULD YOU? SHE WAS INNOCENT!" He was screaming like a mad man, but I couldn't find it in me to blame him. I felt like I could scream. Like I could rip my hair out. Like I could kill a man.

The officer ripped Griffin off Joey by the shoulders, and Griffin backed off. I pulled him back by his shirt, trying to calm him down. As much as I wanted revenge, this wasn't what any of us needed right now.

Tyson looked like he might throw up. Reagan just looked confused. I felt puzzled and curious. How could any of this be possible? How could the man in front of me, the violent kidnapper who hurt my family in unimaginable ways, actually have killed my parents?

Griffin calmed down, coming to stand next to Tyson and glaring at Joey, who had started to laugh maniacally. Reagan looked disappointed, and for a second I wondered if she had faith in Joey at one point. But, that just didn't make sense.

"How is that possible?" That was all I really needed to know right now. As far as I knew, Joey and my parents had never even met. I had hoped it was that way, actually. I figured if my parents never had to come face-to-face with my sister's kidnappers, then they would be saved a lot of suffering.

The idea of the Joey's face being the last my parents ever saw is scary.

The officer looked guilty, and I narrowed my eyes at him. What hadn't he told us? We all stood, anticipating whatever he was about to say.

"Listen, you kids seem nice, and I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but..." I zoned out for a second. I started to wonder why he had called us kids, when he couldn't be much older than me. Then, I realized I might be going crazy.

Why am I thinking about this officers word choice when my parents murderer could be right in front of me?

"The officers that investigated Maria and Colby's murder didn't tell you everything. They found some information inconsequential. They happened to find a certain conversation on your parents computer that we had been looking into." I was shocked. How could they not tell us that?

"Are you serious?" Tyson spoke up first, asking what we were all thinking. Even Griffin looked confused, which struck me as strange. My mother and Griffin were close when she was alive. If anyone had known about this, it would be him.

The officer nodded. "I'm very sorry. The information should not have been kept from you, but it was a privacy issue. They didn't want to tell you anything until they found out the truth. They eventually shut down the case, though."

I don't think anyone was more angry than me. It made sense that Griffin wasn't told. He wasn't immediate family. Reagan had still been missing at that point, and Tyson was underage.

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