Chapter Twenty Four: Reagan's POV

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Griffin never came back. He had scared me when I saw him, but I felt bad about how it had gone down. It was clear from the beginning that the man had been drinking. It almost felt like Noah should've been more gentle with the intoxicated man.

Especially since Griffin was our uncle. I didn't know Aunt Dara, but I already didn't like her much. I didn't know the backstory, and maybe I never would, but Griffin seemed like a nice enough guy. Noah should've just let him stay with us for the night.

Griffin had been nice to me, had treated me like a normal human being. I appreciated him for that.

Our conversation had been short lived, because Noah had cut it off real quick. I didn't understand why Noah didn't trust Griffin, but I guess I had to believe Noah was doing what he thought was best for me, even if I didn't necessarily agree.

I thought about Griffin the rest of the night, trying to think of what could be so bad. Obviously Aunt Dara and him weren't together. Griffin seemed to be used to alcohol. Which didn't bother me. He didn't seem violent, but he had attempted to defend himself against Noah.

None of it seemed fair. Griffin should be allowed to get to know me on my own terms, not Noah's. But, I had to believe Noah when he said Griffin wasn't to be trusted. Obviously Noah had a reason for his thinking.

I felt stupid for thinking that Griffin was a good guy. I had looked naïve and young. I guess I kind of was. I had never learned how to look past people's walls. The barriers set up by people were what I saw, not their true selves.

I guess I just wanted to see the best in everyone, even though there was never any good in anyone.

We had laughed it off, Noah and I, but I knew it was only so that we wouldn't cry. I didn't know Griffin like Noah did, but I had wanted to believe that Griffin could be someone worth loving. Someone who could love me.

I was willing to give Griffin a chance, but clearly Noah wasn't.

"Are you sure we can't let Griffin stay the night?" I wanted to be sure Noah had made up his mind. If Griffin didn't have anywhere to go, then I didn't want to leave him out there. It wasn't cold, being the end of July, but who knows what could happen.

This was Oklahoma, there could be a tornado.

"Yes. I can't really explain right now, you wouldn't understand yet, but I need you to trust me." He looked at me, pleading. I debated my options.

I could argue more, and potentially make Noah upset with me. That was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want to be the reason that Noah and I had problems, but I didn't think it was fair of us to leave Griffin, our uncle, out there by himself.

Or, I could stay silent and hope Griffin would survive.

Yeah, no.

"But what if he stayed on the couch? Please Noah, I really just don't want him to get into any trouble." Noah seemed to consider this, and I knew I had him from there. "Who knows what he could do? He's our uncle, do you really want him out there on his own? What would our parents want?"

Anger crossed his face for a second, along with grief. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned our parents. Bobby had warned me about that before I came here, and I was stupid enough not to listen. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

But then, I felt anger course through me, too. I have the right to talk about my parents. Why should I be restricted to certain topics of conversation? Why shouldn't I be curious about who they were?

I couldn't let the anger consume me, though, because this was my brother. My brother who had been through so much. My brother who had spent his whole life looking for me. My brother who was trying to protect me.

Mixed up families, huh?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang