Chapter Twenty Eight: Tyson's POV

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Author's Note: Hey y'all! First, I would like to thank you for reading to this point. I know the story has been sort of slow, and I'm trying my best to get it up and running. I refuse to give up on this story, because I've sort of fallen in love with it. But, now that school is starting up, the updates will be slower. I've decided I will try my best to post at least once a week. Thank you for reading, I love you, on to the story!

I knew I was acting insane. It was somewhat my personality and the adrenaline. But, it was also kind of a strategy of mine. The more fun we're having, the less opportunities there are for arguments. Also, it's fun taking down Noah.

It was nice to hear Reagan laugh so much. It seemed like she hadn't been enjoying herself at all in our house. She needed this game night more than any of us. Noah and I had had a conversation about it about a week after their argument about Griffin.


"Think about it, Noah. Have you seen a smile on that kid's face once in the past week? Or even a grin? No, exactly. She doesn't want to be here. We need to do something." Noah sighed over the phone. He was at work still, on lunch break. He had been stuffing his schedule with work to avoid Reagan.

I could tell he didn't like what I was saying, but he knew it was the truth.

Reagan walked around our house looking misery, and she deserved better than that. After everything she had been through, she deserved some peace and comfort. She deserved a family.

"I know, but..." I cut him off, because I honestly didn't want to hear it. Noah was being immature, as was Reagan. And I was sick of it. I might be silly and fun, but I wasn't like this. This version of immature was just stupid. They had an argument, and neither wanted to fix it.

It was getting annoying.

Why did I always have to be the mediator?

"I know this is hard for you, Noah, but think about how hard this must be for Reagan. You need to fix this, before I take things into my own hands."

Flashback Over

A week after that, I got too impatient and came up with the brilliant plan that is game night. We had fun, but things got sort of out of hand, you could say.

After my fall in the parking lot, I was even more juiced up. I had more energy then I think I've ever had in my life. I was making my siblings laugh again, and that was all that mattered to me.

"Tyson! You're gonna get us in trouble!" Noah didn't actually sound too concerned about it, more amusement in his voice than anything. I was currently climbing the shelves to get to the Party Size Doritos.

I got to the third shelf, and exhaustion set in. I settled for laying down on the third shelf for a while. Reagan smiled at me as I dramatically sighed and Noah rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious?" I nodded with a pitiful frown on my face and Noah simply reached over and pulled me down. He gripped my waist and set me down carefully. I pulled at his hands, pushing his chest.

I groaned and yelled at him, half-heartedly. "Oh, you're no fun! How are we gonna get the chips now?" He gave me a 'duh' look and I gaped as he easily reached up and grabbed the Doritos.

Noah gave us a bored look, Reagan seemed annoyed and slightly surprised, I was shocked and offended, but not really.

"You could've done that the whole time? Wow, rude." I walked away in search of the candy aisle, not bothering to grab our cart.

Reagan came with me, while Noah followed behind with the cart. The ever responsible one.

"What to get, what to get." I tapped my chin in consideration. Reagan immediately picked out a Hershey's and I looked at her in disgust. "You're about to get some bland, boring old milk chocolate when you could literally get anything else?"

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