Chapter Twenty Seven: Reagan's POV

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I've only ever been to one game night before, and it was fun. I knew of many families that did game nights, and for a while I had been jealous. I had been envious of all the other little girls that lived easy, simple lives. I was annoyed that I had to work for everything, while they complained about having to do chores.

It irritated me that their parents gave them everything, and I didn't even have any. I wanted to go home and have dinner made, instead of having to scour the streets for hours just for a scrap.

At the very least, I had wanted to experience a game night. I was around 13 when I first played a board game with a family. Hayley had hyped it up for days, telling me about how fun it could be. When she found out I had never even played a board game before, she flipped.

I had easily agreed to coming over on Friday for game night with her family. I knew I would get in trouble with Sarah and Joey, but I hadn't cared. I was so excited, I was practically jumping in my seat the whole day. I couldn't sit still.

I had headed over there at around 6. As soon as I walked in, I felt welcome. Her parents greeted me with enthusiasm, her little brother hugged me legs. I had met them all many times before, and they seemed to like me.

Her parents were kind and polite, not quite realistic. I liked her brother a lot, though. As annoying as the 8-year-old could be, he was always kind to me. He was funny and open, not holding anything back. He loved to show me his action figures and books.

Ryan had Hayley's thick red hair and pretty blue eyes. He was just like her. Kind, funny, easily optimistic. The opposite of me. Not only that, but the whole family was loud. Even Hayley's mom, who always seemed so elegant, shouted when she spoke.

I don't even think they meant to. Maybe it was the excitement of the games, or maybe it was just natural. I loved the people, but I felt slightly uncomfortable with all the yelling. I just wasn't used to it. If I dared to raise my voice in my own house, no doubt would I be locked out for the night.

Anyway, we had food and games, and I got so caught up that I didn't realize the time. Eventually it was 9 o'clock, and Hayley's dad was insisting on giving me a ride home. One pleading look from Hayley and I gave in.

I had him drop me off a block away from my actual house, and then walked the rest of the way.

I remember that night mostly because it was the worst beating I had ever gotten. And it wasn't because they were worried and I hadn't called, or because I had snuck out.

It was because Joey was an alcoholic and he had drank too much and Sarah was a psychopath who let her husband take out his anger on a little girl.

I remember how angry I was afterward. That was the first time I had actually felt anger toward Joey and Sarah. I had always known that I got beat because of something I did, or didn't do. But now? This wasn't my fault, this was just unwarranted rage directed at me.

This game night, almost exactly 2 years later, was different. They were loud, but so was I. They were crazy and fun and unapologetic, and I just went with it. Suddenly, I became fun and easygoing and I allowed myself to laugh.

I didn't need to worry about going home afterward, because I already was home.

I was in a safe place, where I knew no one would hurt me. We might argue, and we might disagree, but I knew they would never hurt me. And I couldn't fight off the feelings anymore. The love that I had for my brothers. I had tried to keep it down, hidden.

I didn't want to get attached to people that might leave me.

But, they were my brothers. How could I think I wouldn't get attached to people who love me and protect me and want to help me?

Mixed up families, huh?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant