Run aways

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"Run away with me," I said breathless from our kiss. We had run away once before and it ended with her leaving me. I know we are strong enough to make it work this time though. "I'll show you world if you just run away with me.

Her eyes shone as bright as the full moon on a winters night. Her smile showing her small but still cute dimples poking through. Everything about her presence whispered beauty.

"I will run forever with you." She whispers back bringing our lips back together. Her kisses so delicate that I was afraid I would brake her but that's what made us special.

"Sorry to excuse you but Georgia needs to have her check up." The nurse grumbled.

I moved my self away from her but no before I left a quick kiss on her forehead. I didn't think that I would ever be able to stop kissing her she was just so... Kissable.

"When will she be allowed to leave?" I ask the nurse as she changed the bandage on Georgia's wound. The stupid prick stabbed her and I wouldn't let him get away with that.

"A few weeks we need to make sure the stitches are good and that it is actually healing. We wouldn't like any infections now would we?" I shook my head no even though she couldn't see me.

A few weeks? No, me and Georgia had to leave tonight. I couldn't risk her getting caught, they think she killed all those people, the people I killed.

Once the nurse left I went shortly behind her. If I was to leave I needed to get the medication Georgia needed. I didn't know what she needed or how to get it but I knew I would work out a way.

I walked down the corridors smiling at the nurses and doctors not wanting to seem suspicious and in return they smiled back. People could be nice but I guess it was their job to be nice they do work in a hospital. Except that nurse, she didn't seem to happy. Maybe it was because she thought we would fuck on the bed that she would have to clear and watch other patients sleep in. But I wasn't like that. I don't need to make love to Georgia to show her I love her, she should never deny how much I love her and this is coming from a demon.

A trolley catches my eye. A trolley with all sorts of medication. A trolley with no one by its side, it's like god is actually doing me a favor for me for once. I rush up to the trolley and look through the draws. I needed something for wounds.

I searched through many of the cupboards picking up many things and shoving them into my baggy shirt pocket. Well now I know big clothes are good for once thing.

"Excuse me sir?" Shit. "Sir what are you doing?" Come on think of an excuse!

"Sorry miss I saw that one of these," I held up a pack of tablets to the air. " had fallen from this I was only returning." I did my bed innocent smile and because she is young and naive she believed me.

"Oh, thank you." She smiled. I smiled back then waved good bye picking up my pace. Well that was close. If she did find out I could kill her. No, I need to stop that. The girl doesn't deserve to die and I need to stop this habit of killing anyone who gets in my way, I need to be better for Georgia.

I walk back in to the hospital room a large grin on my face. "Get dressed we're leaving this shit hole."

I was going to upload something for Halloween but that would of messed up what I want to happen in this story, plus I was put with my friend so I had no time but anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!

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