Samantha Jade and Selina Watching Little house on the Prairie

Start from the beginning

A few days later Selina and Jade came to visit Samantha. "Hello girls, I have put milk and cookies on the table. Please enjoy. I have to go again, Rachel love I am coming." Nanny Katie said laughing as she went off to talk to Rachel. Katie had not told Miss Kean, or Mr Gordon about the girls. They seemed harmless, they never stole from Samantha, or the house. So it would seem that there is no need to report them. But she still liked to keep an eye on them just the same.

"I made a friend at school. His name is Tony Wayne. He is just so cool." Samantha said. "Miss Marilyn is our teacher. What is your Teacher's name?" Samantha rabbit on. "Ours is Mr Thomas.Out teacher." Jade said laughing. "Why is he so funny?" Samantha asked sitting at the dining table. "Taylor and Bridget said he was sure he was just and old and smelly when they were in his class." Selina said She then stopped with Jade, they looked around. "Nice." Jade said. :"Year real nice. Like ya bedroom nice." Selina said. "Thanks." Samantha said looking around again. "It is a nice place ya Mum has got here." Jade said sitting on the elegant chair. "I guess." Samantha said. "No guessing about it. It's really nice." Selina said. "Yeah you should see where we live." Jade said taking a cookie. "I would very much like that. Katie and I could come sometime. We could even bring baby Rachel. She could meet your baby Harleen. They could have a play date!" Samantha said imagining it in her mind. Rachel and Harleen laying on the rug together talking baby talk.. Selina and Jade looked at each other in shock. They imagined them coming. Taylor could take them down to see Harleen and Ivy. Mr Pepper would order them out. Just because he could. Rachel would cry. Then they would have to go back upstairs and OMG the girl's eyes grew wide. Evan! Mr Pike, Joe and Cal?? "No!" Selina and Jade both said at once. "What?" Samantha asked in shock. She was dreaming of the babies talking baby talk.. "Na ya should not come to our house. Well not yet anyway." Jade said. "Why?" Samantha asked feeling hurt. "Cause, ah .... Cause ... My Mum, and Jade's Mum..." Selina was saying. "Are not home now." Jade said quickly. "Yes... yeah that is why we are staying with our friends. Bridget and Taylor." Selina said slowing down in her speech. "Well when they come home maybe?" Samantha asked. "When who come home dear?" Nanny asked as she came back for dealing with Rachel. "Jade and Selina's Mummy's." Samantha said smiling. "Are they away dear?" Katie asked. "Yep." Jade said taking another cookie.

Just then the phone rang. Samantha smiled at her friends. "So who are your friends at school?" Samantha asked. "Mary, Lilly oh and Laura." Jade said with a smile. "What you talk to Lego Laura?" Selina asked. "Yeah she let me play Lego with her. Pissed Evan right off." Jade said laughing. "Why do they call her Lego Laura?" Samantha asked laughing with the girls. "She is overweight, and don't play with anyone much. Oh and she loves, and I mean Loves Lego! She has a great big bag of it she takes everywhere with her." Jade said. "Oh." Samantha said. No one in her class had nicknames. No one brought toys to school. "That was your Mummy love. Her and your Daddy will not be home for dinner. I am to fix you and me something. Maybe your friends might like to stay?" Katie asked them. The look of pure joy that come over the girls faces, then the look of complete horror. "You can call your Mummy if you want?" Katie said. "Our phone is broken." Jade said. "We don't have one." Selina said at the same time. "Please, Please, say you will stay Please?" Samantha said all the girls talked at once. "Well you girls decide. If you want to stay, I will have to send you home in a taxi. It will be too late for you to walk I am sure." Nanny said. "Please. We can have Pizza!" Samantha said with a big smile for Nanny. "Of course if you wish." Nanny said smiling at Samantha.

Jade and Selina looked at each other, they wanted to stay they really did. "We could see if Taylor is with the Pepper's?" Selina said. "Oh yeah do you know their number?" Jade asked. "Na." Selina said. "I could go ask, I could run real fast?" Selina added. "Why not ring home?" Samantha asked. Then the girls thought about Mrs Pike, she would worry about them they were sure of it. "We could watch some of the new show mummy got me. "Little House On The Prairie." Samantha said. Everyone has their weakness, that was Jade's.. That would have to be her favorite show of all time. "I would love to stay." Jade said this would be worth the whoop ass she would get if Mr Pike noticed she was not at home..

The three girls sat in front of the tv. Samantha went to bring out her dolls. The girls all sat watching, they gasped in horror as Mr Edwards, Jade's favorite. Fell into the icy water. "I can't wait to see what they get from Santa?" Selina said clapping with Jade. Samantha ran to her room she ran back with a bright pink snow jacket. With fur around the trim. "Santa got me this." Samantha said with pride. "Oh it is so nice. So soft Selina did ya see?" Jade said touching it like it would break. "Very nice. Better than a brand new cup." Selina said as she watched the two girls receive their shiny tin cups from Mr Edwards. While he sat in front of the fire with his red underwear on. "Hey come on they all got a candy stick too." Jade said giggling. Not long later the Pizza man delivered their pizza..

Little house was put on hold. Over dinner Nanny included they talked about the characters on Little House. "I would definitely have to be Mary. I am after all the oldest at 6 years old." Selina said with a grin. "No not fare, I have the blond hair. I want to be Mary." Samantha said. "Well that would make me Laura." Jade said smiling. "But Nanny?" Samantha asked. "You could be the baby, Carrie?" Nanny said with a smile. "I don't want to be Carrie!" Samantha yelled. She was getting tired now. "I think ya should be Nellie Olsen." Selina said with a giggle. "But she was the soiled one wasn't she?" Samantha asked. "Yes I think she was. Didn't her Mother owns the local shop?" Nanny asked with a smile. "Yes, I remember. She owned and run the Mercantile with Mr Olsen. You remember don't ya Samantha. She had a brother, oh what was his name?" Selina asked. "Willie." Jade said giggling. "I don't have a brother." Samantha said, as she threw down her pizza. "I will be Carrie, you can be Laura. I need to pee." Jade said leaving the room. "I will be Laura, you can be Mary." Selina said seeing that Samantha was getting upset by it all. "No I think you being the oldest, you should be Mary Selina." Samantha said. "I am happy being Laura. I like the Dad. I would like to be his half pint." She continued. "Well I am so glad we all finally agree. Now I think it is time I called a taxi for you." Nanny said going to the phone.

As she did this Jim and Barbara arrived home. Selina run to Samantha's room so fast. "Hello how was Dinner?" Barbara asked. "Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!" Samantha said running to her. "We watched Little House, I am Laura." Samantha said. "Well sounds like you two had fun." Barbara said with a smile. "Yes we did, just the two of us hey Nanny?" Samantha said with a grin. Nanny hesitated, did she dare let them know. She was sure Jade and Selina were street children. But?? She looked down into Samantha's blue eyes sparkling at her. "Yes. Yes we did." Nanny said. "So who were you Nanny?" Jim asked with a smile. "Oh well I am not sure? Who was I again?" Nanny asked. "You were Jack the family dog. Can we got one Mummy?" Samantha said. "Well I guess I will have to go check on the little one." Nanny said trying not to laugh at the look of horror on Barbara's face. "I guess the dog took good care of Laura while he was there, and the family." Nanny said to herself as she walked off.

A few days later, Selina and Jade came knocking on the window. "Hi Mary, Carrie. How have you been. I hope you got home alright the other night. That was so much fun. We should do it again." Samantha said laughing. "Hello Laura, I hope ya behaved at school today with ya new friend Tony Wayne." Jade said giggling. "He asked after you two." Samantha said. "What did ya tell him?" Jade asked. "Why?" Selina asked. "I told him we were friends. Is that wrong?" Samantha asked. "Na." Jade said with a giggle. "Why are ya giggling so much Jade?" Samantha asked. "Mr P, found out we were out late." Jade said with her head held high. "He whooped our bottoms." Selina said. "No, No he can't do that. I will tell Jim." Samantha said going to leave the room. "No Laura wait. Don't tell." Jade said. "Please?" Samantha went to hug the girls. "Will milk and cookies help?" Samantha asked. "Always." Selina said. Samantha was back in no time at all. "So is Tony Wayne your Manly?" Jade asked laughing. "Tony? No way. I like a boy called Tommy Elliott." Samantha said with a smile. "I am going to marry him one day." She said. "How do you know?" Jade asked. "Cause I punched him in the eye today for laughing at me." Samantha said. "I can't go back to school for one week. Jim is furious!" Samantha said giggling with the girls. "What about your Mum?" Selina asked. "She told him to Chill. I am five." Samantha said laughing. So Mary, Laura, and Carrie, chattered about boys they liked and didn't like. But of course they are only five, boys are not germs yet.............................................

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