Chapter 38 - Getting Help

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"He knows who the Green Reaper is, right?" I asked, seeing him stare at me with a questioning gaze.
"You're after the Reaper?" he asked surprised.
"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, to be honest-"
"I'm not, at least not the way you think I am..." I muttered, casting my gaze towards the ground.

Toya gasped, quickly looking around to make sure we were really alone before leaning closer to me, making me look up with a scowl.
"You know who he is, don't you?" he whispered in shock. My eyes widened and I took a step back in surprise.
"You know?!"
"I should be the one flabbergasted in this situation!" Toya hissed, pulling at his hair.

Huh, guess that makes sense since he used to be a villain working for Izu's dad and he is icyhot's brother too after all...
"Fuck... You do realise that if you root him out, we're looking at a full on massacre, right?"
"I am aware..." I whispered, a little taken aback by his fear of Izuku. I guess I never really saw the monster in action like he has...

No, I already almost pissed my pants just seeing him up close. I don't want to know what it is like to see him kill... I can't even imagine it.
"Listen, you might've heard Izuku and I broke up"
"You cheated on him, be happy you're still breathing" Toya stated, leaning back onto the wall.
"Anyway-" I sighed.
"I want to make up somehow and since half-n-half is pretty damn close to him, I thought he might have some advise or some shit like that"

His eyes widened for a moment and he coughed loudly, apparently choking on his own breath.
"Y-you want to make up w-with him? Are you out of your damn mind Bakugou?!" Toya hissed.
"What is it you want to achieve with this huh? Do you actually want to be the Reaper's boyfriend? Can you live with that? With what he does for a living?"

"He doesn't do it for a living-" I grumbled, crossing my arms and glancing aside.
"Oh no, cause killing people for fun is so much better!" the Todoroki in front of me yelled, grabbing my shoulders.
"Midoriya Izuku is a monster, Bakugou. He only complies if there's something in it for his own benefit, I hope you realise that"

"Are you done yammering about him? Just give me a fucking way to contact that damn halfie already and we don't have to speak of this again" I growled, glaring at him. He let out a long sigh, closing his eyes for a moment.
"There is no convincing you, is there? Well, I tried, not my fault if you get yourself killed" Toya muttered, grabbing my hand and clicking a pen open. He rolled up my sleeve and wrote down a phone number.

"Sho has a burner phone in case of emergencies. Make sure to call him when Midoriya isn't around to hear it, kay?"
"I'm not stupid" I grumbled, pulling my sleeve back down.
"Anyways, thanks, I guess..."
"You're welcome" he smiled.
"Now just don't die!"
With a pat on the shoulder he made his way to the canteen again, probably to laugh it up with Midnight like he was doing earlier.

I sighed, walking to the bathroom to copy the number into my phone and wash off my arm. If anyone saw this while changing in the locker room, I'd get too many unwanted questions.

Pov Todoroki
Both Shinsou and I glared down upon the bright yellow haired male in front of us. Kaminari was fiddling with his hands while staring at the ground in shame. Izuku dropped by the other night, telling us what the Pikachu did and who he was talking to. Now it was up to us to get him to talk before Midoriya comes back to punish him.

"You told me you were going to see your family" Shinsou hissed angrily.
"Why did you lie?!"
"I-I'm sorry..." he whimpered, not looking up to meet his piercing gaze. Denki was on the verge of crying, that much was certain. I sighed, crossing my arms.
"We know you're sorry Denki. Now tell us why you lied about it to Hitoshi" I demanded on an ice cold tone.

He bit his lip, still staring at his hands.
"Y-you would never l-let me go if I t-told you the truth..." he whispered.
"Well no shit! And we have every reason to!" Shinsou yelled. He was really mad at Kaminari for this.
"Bakugou! Fucking Bakugou out of all people! Ugh, sometimes I don't get you Denki! Why would you leak Izuku's identity like that?! Be glad he won't murder you!"

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