even later

"guys this is our catagory" edwin whispered to everyone and they all directed to the huge screen that lined the back of the stage that the nominees names and faces were displayed onto as they were read off.

"and the billboard music award for best group goes to......" the lady read off. asia grabbed edwins hand and squeezed it as the anticipation grew. "PRETTYMUCH!" the guys all hugged eachother and then started making their way to the stage, but just before zion started walking he walked back into the isle giving asia a hug and a kiss and then hurried behind the guys up to the stage. asia watched from her seat like a proud mom not being scared to hide the tears that were building up in my eyes.

"wow ok" nick spoke into the microphone holding the bbma in his hands in awe "i wanna start off by saying this is crazy and congratulate the boys because it was a fun ride, long but fun ride to the top and now here we are. it seems like just yesterday we were writing crappy songs in the basement showing them to the label and getting them rejected."

"we would all also like the thank you for everyone who has supported us through all of this, our parents, friends, and the label." edwin said.

"also if your a beanz shout out to y'all this wouldn't be possible without you and we love you guys so much" austin said.

"i just wanted to say sum real quick, if you have a dream go for it because if we didn't dream of doing this with our lives then i'd be working at mcdonald's in canada right now, so do me a favor and never settle for less, chase your dreams." zion ended their speech and everyone erupted in applause. the boys were lead backstage by one of the hosts and then the next category started.


"who's ready for the after partyyyyy!!!" asia yelled as the six of them walked to their limo out front, but all the boys were silent.

"i'm kinda tired ngl" brandon admitted.

"same man" nick yawned.

"i'm ready to turn up" zion shrugged and grabbed asias hand in his.

"and that's why i love you" asia winked at zion and they continued walking. they reached the limo and all slid in and headed to the voice afterparty.

"ok so i have to change so y'all are gonna have to turn around or sum" asia said to the guys as they sat in the limo/van.

"just use the bathroom" brandon proposed.

"the bathrooms tiny i can't" asia said. they all agreed and turned around so asia could switch from her black floor length dress into a short red one that showed off her body. she reached for the back zipper of her dress but couldn't find it.

"can you?" asia turned to zion who was on his phone not turning the other way like the guys.

"yeah" zion shut off his phone and stood up behind asia. he moved his head closer so he could see the almost invisible zipper and slowly pulled it down revealing asias toned back. to say the least it turned zion on but here and now was definitely not the right time to break her back. zion placed little kisses on her neck trailing down making her giggle.

"stoppp" asia giggled and moved the the side so zions lips disconnected with her shoulder.

"hey you two, stop what ever is happening back there. we are turning around so you can change, NOTHING more" nick explained making the two laugh. asia let the dress fall to the ground stepping out of it and stepping into the red dress having zion zipper that up as well.

"ok you guys are good" asia said picking up the dress from the floor and hanging it on the hanger the red dress was on. asia sat down on the seat and pulled out her phone checking her texts and everything. as she focused on her phone she saw zion standing in front of her looking down at her.

"mhm" he said with his arms crossed confusing asia. she looked to both sides of her and the looked back at zion.

"what?" without a word zion reached down and tried to pull the fabric of her dress in so that it would cover her cleavage. the fabric wouldn't budge so he decided to pull harder.

"your gonna fucking rip the dress holy shit" asia laughed and removed zions hands.

"it shows to much of this" zion circles his hands around his chest.

"im so embarrassed the world will know i'm a women and have boobs!" asia replied in fake shock making the guys laugh, but zion get a little mad. "ooou looks like we are here perfect timing" asia smiled knowingly and opened the door for herself and slid out, "y'all coming?" she stuck her head back in and soon the guys followed.

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