The angel was still deep in slumber. His azure eyes were shut as his small mouth took in as much oxygen. This precise moment, everything felt natural and at ease. It felt like i've finally found a special someone that i can't wait to wake up to every morning, felt like i finally have something to hold on to, something that excites me. And all of those were found in the little sleeping blond, right here beside me.



"Goor morning Mr. Uchiha, sorry to disturb sir, but a car is here to pick you up." goes the maid that was waiting at the door.

"Of course, could you please tell the driver to wait at least twenty minutes? Thank you.." I smiled.

Damn! What does Itachi possibly want now? He just had to ruin this moment for me, doesn't he? But, if i didn't go now the possibilities of my big brother causing a ruckus is above ninety percent. This hurts me more than anything in the whole world, i had to go.

"I'm sorry my little kitsune.." I stroked my angles head as i frown.

I gently placed a goodbye kiss on the Kitsune's head as i quietly crawled out of his warm plush bed. I collected all my things and put on the v-neck my kitsune gave me. I walked out of his room with my heart in the dumps, i put on my shoes and exit his mansion.

As the maid said, a car was indeed waiting for me right up front. I crawled inside the car all depressed looking, and plopped my body down on the backseat. Sad and withered was my heart and smile, i tried to stay sane by thinking to myself,

"Tonight we'll meet again uzumaki." as a sigh escaped my mouth.

09:30 am, Uchiha headquarters.

After a twenty minute drive, i arrived at the headquarter of the Uchiha company, my heart still enraged by the interruption that happened a few minutes ago. With a heavy heart, i marched to the main office on the twenty third floor. During the elevator ride, my boredom came to show and so i pulled my phone out and fiddled with it.

The only thing that crossed my mind was Naruto Uzumaki. And so, my finger lead itself to his contact.

Sasuke: Changed your name to Princess ;)

Naruto: I told you to not call me that anymore Baka Uchiha!

Sasuke: You're awake after all!

Naruto: Just woke up, getting ready to meet my friends :)

Sasuke: Darn, I was hoping to steal you for a few hours after my meeting :(

Naruto: Haha we're going to meet tonight anyways! :)

Sasuke: Can't wait 'till then ;)

And just as i pressed send, the elevator arrived on the twenty third floor. I let myself out and walked over to my office, where my secretary and best friend, Suigetsu, is waiting. I quickly tidied my hair and put my coat on to look at least somewhat presentable.

"Hiya Sasuke! Where've you been?"

"Somewhere over the fucking rainbow Suigetsu." I said sarcastically.

"What's gotten your dick in a twist? Also whose clothes are you wearing?" Suigetsu raised a brow.

"No ones! Let's just get this fucking show on the road huh?" I sighed as i threw myself on my chair.

Suigetsu turned on the computer, and there started the meeting with me and my brother which is conducted on video call since my brother is in the States right now with his fiancee. And just like that Suigetsu exit the room allowing me and Itachi to talk freely.

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