Ch51. Give and Give

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Jennie had been assigned two bodyguards and Jisoo was more than relieved, since both she and Rosé would be preoccupied with the game later. Dara and Lisa could use the extra security too. It would allow Jisoo and Rosé to play their best without distractions.

It was a big match against their arch rivals and Jisoo and Rosé were early to rise, already walking to the football stadium with their bulky sling bags hanging from their shoulders.

Checking that the coast was clear, Rosé questioned in a hushed tone, "Unnie, what do you think he wanted from us?"

They have partnered long enough for Jisoo to understand that Rosé was referring to Inspector Dong.

Jisoo double-checked her surroundings and posed the question back, "What do you think?"

"Testing me, eh?"

Jisoo shrugged with a smirk. "Gotta see how much you've grown, once in a while."

"Hmm," Rosé pursed her lips and tapped her chin, "I don't think he simply wants to know who our suspect is. I think... more importantly, he wants our help in leading him to the mastermind."

Jisoo shared the same sentiment but remained passive. She probed, "How does he want us to help?"

"By pretending to lose or flee if we get attacked again."


"So that his men, who are probably already stalking us at random times, can follow these attackers, who may then unknowingly lead them to their mastermind, who likely can be one of the main drug lords he's after. His problem now is that they are unable to follow these attackers because you and I always beat the crap out of them and haul their asses to the police station before they can even escape."

"Very good," Jisoo clapped and Rosé bowed. "One more question: how do you know this is what he wants?"

"Easy, he harped twice on the fact that we're trained," Rosé shrugged with a confident grin, "and he also said something about having people come to us being easier than his team blindly hunting around."

"Excellent," Jisoo nodded with pride and shot her maknae an equally wide smile.

"Do you think we should help him?"

Instead of answering, Jisoo put a finger to her lips as she cocked her head towards people a few metres in front. The streets were slowly being populated, as the sun rose further in the sky. It seemed the talk would have to continue in the privacy of her apartment.

They passed a couple practically attached at the hips, who were walking leisurely and chatting and trailing further and further behind. It would have been nothing out of the ordinary. They were very subtle, in tees and jeans and in their early thirties; in fact, they were so regular that Jisoo almost brushed them off, except a slight breeze passed and in that small window of time Jisoo spotted the device in the woman's ear that was obscured perfectly by her luscious hair. Almost perfectly.

We're being followed.

The gears in Jisoo's head churned for an explanation – were they sent by Joohee, or Inspector Dong, or someone else? Frowning in rising anxiety, she decided she needed to get a better look at the couple.

"Aish, Rosé, you've something on your face again," Jisoo spun around and pretended to fuss over an imaginary eyelash on Rosé's face, using this chance to walk backwards so that she faced the couple for a few precious seconds.

Clean-shaven, neat ponytail, black digital watches, trimmed nails, pressed clothes, good running shoes, no shifty eyes or unnecessary bling or accessories – Jisoo surmised there was a higher chance that they were with the police.

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